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Hi all,


I've just joined your wonderful forum and look forward to having some new friends with CAGs too. My little baby is now 4 months old and his name is Ozzy. He has just learned two whistles last week, within one day of each other, and now he thinks he's pretty hot stuff. I think he is too! I am looking forward to learning from all of you about CAGs since Ozzy is my first.




Ginger and Ozzy

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Welcome Ginger and Ozzy! What a great name! I'm sure you will meet a bunch of people on here with CAG's as well as TAG's. My SweetHeart is a 9 month old TAG. It's soo interesting how fast they learn. In no time you will be hearing all kinds of little noises from him!


Look forward to seeing some pictures of your baby and if you have any questions please just ask away! That's what we are all here for!



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Hello Ginger and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ozzy, what a cute name.:P Ozzy is your first grey but do you have any other birds?


You have good company here as we all think our greys are hot stuff too, they are amazing creatures that enrich our lives so much it is almost unbelieveable.


You will make friends here quickly as you won't find any friendlier people than right here on this forum, we all share a common bond, our greys and each and every one is willing to share what he/she knows.


So Ozzy is learning to whistle, pretty soon it will be words and then phrases and of course he will mimic the phone ringing, microwave beeping and so forth, you won't know what is real and what is just him.:laugh:


Take a few minutes to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Ozzy you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Yes, Ozzy has two other birds to entertain him. Both are Senegals. He also has six cats and three dogs to contend with so we do have a full house. And we also have three donkeys outside. I am hoping that Ozzy will learn how to bray by listening to them. ;) I don't think there are many other CAGs that can bray, are there? I'll keep you posted on his progress.

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Yes Ozzy keep us posted on that one, and if you could ever get it on video when he does that would be soo funny! My SweetHeart for the first time the other day made like the rooster we have outside. She hasn't done it since, but it was funny! I thought he was inside somehow.

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Welcome Ginger and Ozzy. I have only been a member here for a short while, but I've found everyone VERY nice and willing to answer any questions you have, as well as listen to any accomplishments you and your Grey make. If there's any way I can help you with anything, just let me know! :)

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