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Ok SweetHeart is truly coming around!!! I got to give neck scratches for the very very first time tonight!!!!!!! And she is finally starting to let me rub her beak! This is just soo exciting. I'm sorry I know I'm probably boring all of you lol. But after all this time, the hard work is finally paying off!


I can't express enough to all of you out there going through mild stones to just stay patient! It will eventually pay off! Cause even if she is her normal self tomorrow and doesn't let me do it again, she let me 3 times tonight! And it was just great! 84d838fb1896eb7f2814f8a9b95e3dfd-471c7cbb7b11e439a13e511e5b83c7b2.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/29 04:41


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That is great Ronda!!!:cheer: I know exactly how you feel! I had Greyce in my lap tonight and I just want to pet her so bad I can't stand it. I can't wait till we get there.


You don't bore me at all, I know exactly how you feel. Everytime you hit a milestone you just want to tell someone that cares at minimum a quarter as much as you do. You'll be giving her Scritches daily in no time!;)

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I am sorry for laughing but I can just imagine the phone conversation, Ronda calls her friend....

Ronda : Friend, Guess what I did with Sweetheart tonight

Friend: What Ronda?

Ronda : I scratched her neck!!

Friend: And did she actually like that?

Ronda : Yes!! She let me!

Friend: So you called me to tell me you scratched Sweethearts neck?

Ronda : YES!! Isnt that brilliant

Frient: Sorry Ronda... but who is sweetheart again?

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I'm so happy for you! I was lucky in the sense that Elmo never needed "ajusting" time. I brought him home at 6 weeks and the only requirement to make him happy was a syringe and formula. I can only imagine how hard it is to have a bird that you love so much and can't do anything with them to show it.



I watched one of the videos of Sweetheart you have on YouTube where she is screaming at your hubby. I got to tell you she is not the only TAG I have seen act like that. We have a Timnah at work that got sick from an infection (probably from a customer with dirty hands) and we had to medicate the poor thing and keep him in the back to be sure he wasn't exposed to anything while being treated and it must have been hard on him. He was a pretty cuddly bird before, but now after he had the round of the daily injections he screams when you go to pet him, pick him up, or anything else...and it's been about a month sense his last shot. He does seem to like being held and touched once he realizes there isn't a needle in your hand but I'm thinking that the flight that your little baby went on had the same affect on her as the injections had on our TAG.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/29 14:55

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lmao watchout! Honestly if you raise them in your house and the kids handle them all the time, my daughter had one that would sit on her shoulder like a parrot and she could touch all over. But the raccoons got to it! She cried for days!

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Well until about 2 years ago I was terrified of ALL birds...even finches!! I am still scared of chickens and DUCKS!! OMG!! How awful they are!! The scary things they chase you around!! I swear I think they want to eat me...revenge for all the years I have eaten chicken!!! LMAO!!!:woohoo: :unsure:

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