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Teluhla is about 13 weeks old now, she is still eating her baby food twice a day, but she really isn't that interested in it in the morning any more. She eats anything else I put in front of her, she will play with anything and go to anyone. The only problem is she really doesn't "play" with me. She likes to be out of her cage but she really doesn't want a whole lot to do with me, she doesn't laugh or anything so I really don't know what to do with her. I have never had a parrot befor and I am so used to dogs that you can interact with, am I doing something wrong?

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She is very young and probably doesnt quite know how to play yet. You will need to teach her. Does she play with any foot toys? Introduce her to beak ball, or fetch. We play relays around the kitchen table with each of us offering her a treat, so she runs from one to the other of us in turn. Its great fun and great exercise for her.


But she is still very young, so give it time. Patience is a word you will hear a lot when we talk about greys!



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OH wow! 13 weeks! Yes hon she is still very young! Some babies it just comes natural to them to know how to play. Others have to be shown, "Look at mommy/daddy playing with this ball and rolling it around" She has plenty of learning time still ahead so don't stress. Your not doing anything wrong at all! Just every day when you have her with you play with one of her toys in front of her. Act like you are having a grand ole time lol. She will want to join in the fun eventually. Even if she doesn't seem interested the first few times. My quaker still doesn't play and she is 12. SweetHeart is 9 months old now and she will take her keys or her bell that she has and play around with them a bit, but nothing major. She is still learning herself. If she is eating more of the other things than I would not worry about the baby food in the morning anymore. She is letting you know she is moving on to her young adult hood. And honestly mine is 9 months old and still have never heard her laugh. So don't worry on that either. It will come with her, just give her some time. And trust me I can't express time enough lol. It will seem like forever, but she will start playing with you finally and interacting. Just remember to keep reading and getting all the info you can, and that you aren't doing anything wrong. We are here for any kinds of questions, so just ask away if you need to and than again we are here for the great ups and downs of any story as well. So keep us updated!

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Well, if she is eating what you put in front of her and isn't into her morning feedings then she is ready to drop them. Put lots of food in for her in the morning before the feeding time and see how much she eats. If she goes right in and eats don't feed her. At 13 weeks that is right on schedule. The night feeding is normally the one they hang onto the longest. It's not really for nutrition at this point, but it's for their imotional health. It could be a week to a month before she is ready to give that feeding up.


As for play, 13 weeks is still "baby" age and they really don't play very much at that point. Like everyone else has said, start showing her how to play and she will start to do so soon.

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Yes, at 13 weeks, they explore at little, but really like to cuddle somewhere and go to sleep. They will keep begging for their feedings, sometimes long after they are weaned, which is not your case yet. As Bmustee stated, they usually want their formula at the night time feeding and consume the most then.


I miss those days of the jack hammer head, even if you were just touching the sides of the rear beak. :-) It's just so cute. Sometimes Dayo still does it.

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