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HELP! Grey on my head!


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The only thing I can tell you to do is just keep taking her off your head and putting her on your shoulder and telling her to stay. She will eventually learn that she cannot go up on your head but it will have to be done hundreds of times before she stops. When she starts climbing up there tell her no and make her come down to the shoulder, repeat as necessary.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about you and your grey.

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OMG! You poor thing!! Talon likes to try and go on your head, but I immediately take her off and put her elsewhere, and tell her "NO heads". :pinch:

Maybe putting her elsewhere instead of on your shoulder after you take her off of your head, will help her to realize that your haed is off limits. It may have become a game to her to go from your shoulder to your head, only to have you put her back on your shoulder so she can climb up again! Sounds fun huh? :S


You could try it?

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Thank you I will try this. it's not the poop that bothers me as much as her shoving her sharp talons into my face trying to climb up. She will either use my ear or eyes or mouth..and it is very painful lol. someone at my job told me she likes to be higher than me? or the highest place possible..but I just want her to sit on my shoulder and snuggle with me = I know its not that she doesn't want to be near my face or anything with her not liking me because when i put her on her play top perch she will fly off and come to me and kiss my face and then up sheee goes. I will continue removing her and saying NO NO NO lol but she really holds on to my hair and gets angry when i try to take her off... I wish I could hear her thoughts.

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Yes, they like to be up higher than you, but you shouldn't let them. They need to know that you are in charge, not them. You really need to be careful with your face, one bite by mistake can do serious damage. Many members don't allow their greys on their shoulders, but others do. It is a privilege they should earn only when they are behaving while there.


Be careful how you say NO NO NO, it sounds like it would be fun for her to hear, maybe just a stern "No, followed by her name, I say, "No Talon, no heads" and put her elsewhere, I don't say it too sternly, as they like the influctuations in your words, it's fun for them to hear, and it could become a game.


I'm sure others will offer different advice, just be consistent, and do what you feel will work for you. :)

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  • 1 month later...

My boy sensei sits upon my head from time to time - like other ownes have said it is not good to let them do this all the time...but sensei has never yet touch wood - pooped on my head.. and sometimes like to sit up there while I am moving around as he feels apart of what I am doing so I am entertaining & involving him at the same time as doing things around my house... so its a win win situation,.. he doesnt hurt me when climbing - I always put a dressing down or something that is loose that he can easily grab hold of & grip.. as well as sunggle up in... hehehe... he if funny when he flaps when sitting on my head... flappong is a part of his dailey exercising.....xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jenna flies to me and lands on my head a LOT. She gets tangled up in my hair, and she gets annoyed when I take her off my head. But I think she tends to go for my head when she has been startled. I guess I am her safe person, and the higher she can get on her safe person the better she feels when she's been startled. I hope she will eventually decide that other parts of me, like hand or shoulder, are better perches! lol

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