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little earthquake!

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

im in yorkshire in the UK and we just had a mild earthquake, i can't believe it we never get anything round here like that


needless to say there was a bit of a fuss, walking around the street seeing if anyone else had felt it, phoneing people etc.


obviously brian felt it, but i think he got more worked up about the fact i was worked up.


so i sat with him calmly for a little while and told him it was all ok and gave him a tickle, but he still seemed to be picking up on me being shocked, so i went through his night time routine as calmly and normal as i could, covered him up and turned out the lights?


did i do the right thing, or should i have stayed with him?


very concerned

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Guest briansmum

i just wanted to say, crisis averted, i think i'm calm now LOL


many many thanks to judy for putting my mind at rest, you're a star... but of course, you already know that :) :kiss:

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No you did the right thing, Beccy, he was picking up on your vibes and reacting to it, by returning to his usual routine you were in essence saying things are ok and there is nothing to worry about.


Wow an earthquake, now that is something that I have never felt, but I have heard that is feels like you are standing on a giant bowl of jello.

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Sounds like you did the right thing. If you do not make a big deal out of it the birds will key off your energy.


We have earthquakes all the time in California. Kip is super sensitive. We have had 3 that come to mind in the last 12+ months we have had Kip...the first time we hear her around 4AM flapping, fluttering and making some noise in her cage. We had no idea what happened but found her sort of trembling and hanging on the side of the cage. Soon as she sees us she says "You're Ok. It's OK". Clearly something had scared the heck out of her. Looked around for a bug, spider or something and found nothing. Later in morning we hear report on news about a minor quake and of course it was exactly at the time she went nuts.


The next 2 times similar issues. Early AM, she goes nuts and wakes us up. Living in CA nothing over a 4.0 quake will get most people too excited or even out of bed (I dont even wake up for most). But now I check a really good USGS web page with real time earthquake tracking and sure enough that is what it has been...So in these instances I know we have not freaked out, in fact we have been sleeping and it is KIP that wakes us up! During the day we can move her cage around etc with her in it and it does not phase her at all. I think the earth movement startles her from sleeping perch stance and just freaks her out.


In any case, if we are calm etc that helps them a lot in just about any situation. Hope the ground stops shaking out there! B)

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Having been born and raised in California I have been through lots of earthquakes. One of which caused about $25,000 worth of damage to our house. I am terrified of them!


We have had a few small ones here in Hawaii since we have had Makena but nothing seems to startle him. I guess we will see once we get back to California!


I am glad everyone is ok. Hopefully there aren't any aftershocks!! :pinch:

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Hi Beccy, I'm certain both you and charlie were frighted quite well if your not used to earthquakes. Of course, most animals and birds pick up on them before us humans ever do.


I live in California too and am very used to them. But, I must say, regardless of how many times they occur, the animals and birds are always very alarmed by them and sometimes even start acting funny hours or a few days before they occur.


I'm with Mark, if they occur while in bed, I don't move unless it almost throws me out....then I figure I should probably be concerned and GET OUT :ohmy: B)

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