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couple of questions

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

now i finally have all my beloved grey experts back, i have a couple of questions myself.


firstly, brian has been slowly molting since he was about 10 months, hes now one year and seems to have regrown most of his neck feathers, there has been no "major" feather loss yet, i.e chest, wing, flight, etc. but a couple of largish ones have been lost from the tops of his wings and tail and i have caught him sat chewing on them :S


is this normal? i have been explaining nicely that they're mummies now and taking them from him. he's always been perculiar about his feathers and he still acts really odd if theres a downy feather floating near him. i'm worried about him ingesting bits of feather. any pointers?


secondly, as many of you know brians always had one white toe nail. well it has developed a dark colouring to one side. it is no longer than the same one on his other foot, or harder, mishapen or anything like that. and i have (with all disregard for my own fingers) squeazed both the tooes on each foot and he reacted no differently with the white one than his normal one. he pays no extra attention to it etc. is the dark colouring just because he is getting older, or should i have it checked out?


thirdly (LOL) he is one now, he had a well bird check at 14 weeks when i got him, should i be thinking about taking him for another one? i have read you should take them for checks every year, and in other places ive read you dont need to. i'm confused.


many thanks, beccy xx

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Fawkes also chews on the feathers she losses, my DYH Amazon does too. As for the white toe nail that can be caused from lack of I believe calcium as a baby, its no big deal and the fact that it has dark coloring on it now is just probably because hes growing up and hes getting what he needs. I think its probably a good thing its getting color, its not bad that its white though either. Next yes I think a yearley check up is a good idea, mine all go once a year more if needed. So its probably just about time to make the call to the vet. Have him check calcium levels as Greys can lack that. Im sure hes a healthy little guy but its better to be safe than sorry!!;)

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Guest briansmum

thanks MF :)

the breeder i got bri from has a couple of adult greys with white toes, and consequently a few of his babies do too, it just concerns me that its changing colour :S

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