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Bad Days?


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I was wondering if your greys ever have off days? I went and got Teluhla out of her cage this morning and something was just off with her. She was a little cranky and skittish, she was just not really into me at all, usually she is all over me and wants to snuggle and give kisses. She just seemed nervouse, any ideas?

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Guest briansmum

yes they most deffinatly do have off days. some days brian is my best friend other he wants to eat my fingers. how old is she, as it can depend a lot on their age too. respect her boundaries and if she want some space then let them her it, she will still very much appreciate you being there and talking to her, we just dont always feel like a hug do we?


providing she is back to herself tomorrow or the day after its likely nothing more than a bad mood


however if this goes on for any length of time it could be signs of something more serious


is she eating, playing and acting (besides being more independant) normally? do you weigh her? if so have there been any changes in weight.


it is probably just a case of "got up on the wrong side of the perch" but it is always best to be mindful of other things :)

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First off greys every emotional. Many things that can cause this, for little bit give her some space, but maybe just talk to her without handling her at the moment until she is calm.


Everyone has bad days, I believe animals do as well. However, if its longer then day or so, then I would start to think if anything is different or if there is anything else she is doing differently.


Keep your eyes open.


Somethings I know can make that way is one your grey is not gettins as much attention, is probably the number one things to do it.


Or moving your grey to new spot or moving other things in the room.


Other things it could be is if she is not getting enough sleep for whatever reason.


Or if you feel stress your grey knows this, or someone else in your family that is.


All these things can't be it then it might be medical, so its important to tell any changes to your vet.

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FAwkes has definete mood swings and bad days. Actually last night I had her out and she was talking and playing for about an hour, then I decided it was time for her to go to bed and get some rest, she had other palns. She was lunging and just being down right naughty! So i just calmly toweled her and put her to bed with out saying a word. She is back to her sweet self today.

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I wonder if it has to do with the moon sometimes. Finni and Loki were both off their normal selves the other night, close the eclipse. Just quiet and grouchy. Finni even went into her cage and up her sleeping roost by herself when I was cleaning, like "hurry up mom, I'm ready for bed!".

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Yes the dark could easily do it.


And Tracy, Jessie completely agrees with you on wishing they could all have them the same day. He's hoping that living with me and our daughter that when it's her TIME that we are in the same week so he doesn't have to deal with it all the time lol. Men! Sorry got off topic lol

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