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i'm back!

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

just incase you missed me, i thought i'd let everyone know i'm back!


i've been without the internet for a while and havn't had long enough on it to sort things out.


thankyou to those who sent kind emails, i am fine, brian is doing great, it was his first birthday on 11th feb (they grow up so fast :P )


i'm a busy bee at the moment, but i'll try and get up to speed with as much as i can as fast as i can.


look forward to catching up with everyone


much love

beccy and brian xx

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Guest briansmum

thanks tracy!


hi mommafawkes and thankyou, i dont know you yet, but im sure i will. so many new people to meet!


it's because its such a great site ;)

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Welcome back!

I have been on & off, too, due to a trip I was on, then my computer acting up. Miraculously I'm able to stay on awhile tonight and I'm looking forward to getting all caught up.

This site is one of my little pleasures in life, like reading or gardening.

Any-hoo, glad you're back!

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Welcome back Beccy!! You were definitely missed!! I figured after you last PC crash that perhaps it went down again.


Now were cookin wit Gas again with your presence and great personality. We've all been trying, but it just hasn't been the same in your absence. :-)


Geezzz, it took an earthquake to get you back on huh? ;-) Just kidding. It's great having you back!!!

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