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Good Morning


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I don't know how your morning is going, but I'm feeling like I just had a major encounter with a spunky little grey parrot :S


Is your grey really active in the morning? I mean down right rambuncious? Bella certainly got the best of me this morning!


The first thing that gave me a good jolt was this new screech she does when ever I approach the microwave. She makes the microwave sound perfectly, but she then goes into this blood curdeling screech after she makes the microwave sound that just penetrates your brain from all sides!


Then she flew off her perch and started chasing my feet around to make it clear she was anxious to get her breakfast. While I was making her breakfast, she clawed her way up the center island, got to where I was making her breakfast and started going to town on her unfinished breakfast ( I guess she was hungry!)


I thought things would finally calm down after I fed her, but then she decided to join me on the couch, where Doc, my male greyhound was sitting with me, and Jiggy, my conure was on my shoulder. Bella made it clear she wanted to try my breakfast shake. So, I let her try a little. But then she wanted to try my coffee, so I pushed that aside.


Still half asleep, I started watching the news, not realizing that Bella had made her way half down my arm towards my breakfast shake when she took a dive towards it, knocking it over, splashing it all over the table, the TV controls and the phone :blink: I tried to catch her, but then she ran through the gooey mix and tracked all over the table! :(


I finally nabbed her, put her back on her playtop with her breakfast and then she started mimicking my laugh! :angry:


Now she's attacking her toys as if WWIII were starting!


So my grey family friends! How is your day going?????<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/02/26 14:44

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Quieter than yours thats for sure, Bella sure is a hand full isn't she, but then Josey does not have the time to do me like that in the mornings as I have to leave the house for work.


Bella does sound like a real rambuncious girl doesn't she, so full of herself and I guess there is never a dull moment in Terri's house for sure.


But you gotta love the laugh and I hear Josey do mine all the time and I laugh all over again when I hear it so the circle goes round and round.:laugh:


Thanks Terri for sharing another far from dull moment in the life of Bella, the little rascal.:laugh:

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Wow Terri, that's quite an entertaining story and humorous at that!! :laugh:


I can just see the Grey foot prints all over your coffee table. Look mom, I'm finger painting. B)


Thanks for the morning laugh, now that's better than a sitcom...in fact, it would be a GreYt Sitcom....."Bella in the Morning" :P

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Yes our grey is active in the morning. As soon as that sun comes up he feels it's a licence to let loose. 6am and he is eagerly waiting at the door hopping up and down. Out of the cage, big poop and then he is off. Straight up to the cupboards in the kitchen, racing around chasing his ball screaming like a banshee. On to his swing that hangs from the roof, upside down knocking all hell out of the bell attached. Finally get him breakfast, but if he thinks my breakfast it better looking he goes into stealth mode and I can see brain thinking about how he can possibly get my breakfast. Next stop is the shower where he sits up the top and sings and chatters until his little heart is content. He then helps me put on my makeup. Final stop is back in the cage and I am off to work feeling like I have done a full day already. Only to come home at 5pm to our eagerly over active grey hopping up and down at the door waiting to do it all over again.

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LOL Well, I'm sure glad I love her so darn much I just laugh when she drives me crazy :laugh:


Judy you're right - she is a handfull!! And she is so darn cocky and confident she IS full of herself!!


Dan - I do need to get that darn camcorder this week. The kids are bugging me for Bella videos - I think we do have a sitcom going on here. You should see the looks ln the greyhound's faces!


Jane your little boy sounds like he could be Bella's brother! Good heavens can you imagine having two of them running around like that??? :woohoo: :woohoo:

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My Elmo seems to know that I don't put up with funny buisness in the morning...getting up at 5am does that to you. He has found a way to "Help" with the morning rutine though. I normally hit the snooze once or twice but now when I hit snooze the alarm keeps going off:blink: :pinch: . Although the other week that REALLY came in handy. I forgot to turn the alarm on and I was still woken up by it. I guess Elmo is my new backup alarm, even if he was 30 minutes late with the alarm.

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oh no, now that would just put me over the edge if Bella did the alarm sound too! It's enough she does the microwave and the house alarm system!!!!


Maybe that's an idea - get up at 5 am when she's too tired to drive me banana wacky!!!!

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Oh, this is scary. I am so not a morning person and I get my grey in about a month. How will I survive?


You only have to push the alarm twice each morning? I have to set the alarm an hour in advance because I will instictively get up and turn it off without realizing it the first few times (I actually have two alarm clocks at the momment, not helpping much either:blush: ). I would bet I hit a snooze button 12 times before I actually get up. Imagine the worst possiable morning person you know and then imagine worse, you get me :blink: . Hopefully knowing I have someone to get up and take care of will help in the mornings.

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And hopefully that new grey will help you to get up out of bed by calling you until you do get up but I imagine you will survive just fine.


So you set two alarm clocks but you still hit the snooze button a dozen times, you really aren't a morning person, how do you get to work on time!!!!

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Oh Nychsa funny that you said that, we are getting another grey in a months time and I have said to my boyfriend how worried I am. What if this one is over active as well. I feel shattered in the mornings sometimes and having to cope with two of them....nightmare, hehe. I am holding on to the hope that he is young and will calm down when he gets older. Please, no one shatter my illusion that I have about this, hehe


Imme my boyfriend is the same, the alarm is set an hour in advance and it goes off every 10min. Since we got the grey he has been much better about getting up only becuase the bird calls and then when he doesn't answer the bird gets mad and looks around the cage to see what is going to make the biggest noise and then he grabs it and throws it on the bars. If my boyfriend still doesn't get up the bird ups the ante and the noise gets louder.

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Oy Jane - look out!!


Well this morning she was fit to be tied again, but I got her breakfast done pretty quick and this time I added rice and beans, and a flax seed waffle with soy buttery spread and some strawberry fruit spread. That little noggen of hers is buried in that bowl and she is quietly munching away :P


So... I'm going to cross my fingers that I can get my emails done in peace before I head down to DC ssssshhhhhhhh! B)<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/02/27 14:32

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Good Sunday Morning Everyone :silly:


I think this morning I've decided in our new house in Florida, I'm going to put a coffee pot in the bed room and get a cup before I encounter my lovely Bella Demon in the morning :blink: She cuts me no slack at all !!


This morning, aside from jabbering non stop (sometimes she's saying a complete sentance and other times who knows what she's saying!) she decided she was going to start her own circus act, and she was going to let me know what she thought of my new methods of hiding walnuts from her (she solved the regular puzzles too easily, so I've had to get new toys that are more complicated to hide her walnut treats)


So, dangling from one talon on her playtop she attempted to open the toy that had her walnuts in them. When it didn't open, She swung from that one leg back and forth attacking the toy screeching and growling at it. Then she stepped on to her play top and began to "slap" the toy with her talon :laugh: :laugh:


In the mean time, I've realized I'm not going to get that cup of coffee in peace and wake up, so I started to make her breakfast (she offers commentary now to that "hungry"). So, she flew over to the counter, landing gracefully on the floor, crawled up the side of the center island, and then tried to run off with Jiggy's bowl! So, we ended up in a tug of war with Jiggy's bowl, then she ran off with my spoon, and when I got that away from her, she jumped on the bowl of fruits and started pecking at the oranges, throwing peels all over the place. :S


Finally she gets her breakfast and dives into it. So, I sit here writing to all of you when I notice things are very quiet over in her neck of the room, and sure enough, she quietly crawled down her ladder and started chewing on the window shades (we have an on going discussion about those and she knows she's not suppose to do that :angry: )


:huh: I give up!!! Uncle - Really!!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/02 14:22

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LOL Nychsa. That is just too cute! Hey look at it as you can have a bird like mine, and begging for her to do some stuff to make your day something lol. All SweetHeart does for the most part is sit there lol. She gets her spunky little moods but nothing like yours lol.

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LOL ok Ronda - point well taken, I just wish our clocks were a little better sychronized! Here's Bella attacking her "easy toy" - think she does this upside down so I can appreciate how easy it is for her to open this one :PAttackthetoy.JPG


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siobha9 wrote:

Brilliant photos Nychsa. Bella really is hilarious. Lucky for me, my greys greet me in the morning with a very civilised "Hello!"


LOL thanks Imme and Siobha - well, I'm ging to certainly let Bella know that other more civilized parrots out there who give their humans time to get with the program! Maybe she'll catch on???? :laugh:

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lOL thanks Dan - she is a character! Seh's getting pretty crazy with the acrobatics. I'm always worried she's going to fall on her noggen - which happened today when she got a little too carried away on her swing!

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