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You know your a bird person when:


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Ok all here is something fun, please feel free to add to it!!


You know your a bird person when:


When you judge all household items by "bird toy potential"


you have more pictures of your bird in your wallet than you have pictures of other family members.


when the Avian Vet has your credit card number memorized.


You eat a chocolate bar in the closet so the birds don't feel left out.

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All your cell phone photos are of your birds.


You are dying to get rid of your carpet and put in hard wood floors.


Your birds get better food than you do!


Your bird gets more kisses than your significant other :P


When you think about a taking a vacation your first thought is "who is going to watch my birds"


You can't wait to get home to see your birds ;)

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I thought you guys would like it!!:laugh: It is a fun one that we can all relate to!!!


...when the gas station clerk looks at you laughing and says "mam I dont know if you know but You got pooped on by a bird" You look down and sure enough there it is!! All you say is oh got a tissue?

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You know your a bird person when...


The question is asked "Who wants to see a Black Palm Cockatoo?" and you go RUNNNING to see it like it was the second coming of Elvis!


You talk about your birds like they are your kids..."You won't believe what they did today!"


It's only name brand for your bird, and Walmart brand for you.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/26 17:58

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This is a great thread! :laugh: :laugh:


When you are decorating your new house and your only concerns are where will you put all the play stands/ perches. cages/ etc.


Also, you wear your coat and sweatshirts out of the house with dried poop on them and don't care, while your kids are all grossed out.:sick:

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You know you are a bird person when...


you find yourself saying "Good birdie" when the dog does something good.


your significant other complains about the singing and whistling and you do it anyway.


you spend all your extra time either thinking up new ideas for bird toys and play areas or chatting on the grey forum.

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You walk around slowly and carefully, especially keeping your shoulders steady, even when the bird is not on you!


And, yes, I've gone into hiding to eat chocolate because I know I can't share with Klaus and I don't want to hurt his feelings!


Great thread, Momma! Karma for you...

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