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greetings grey lovers

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my name is angel and my companion is a nine month old congo african grey named Mitra. i shared a grey with a partner about 8 years ago, but "Maxi" went with my ex in the divorce. i think i've been waiting for Mitra ever since then.


Mitra chose me when i went looking for greys in a very fine shop, Your Basic Bird, that specializes in birds in Berkeley, CA. the owner, Claudia, is an excellent, caring advisor that clearly loves birds. i was very patient and didn't bring him home until her was 5 months old so that he would be fully weaned.


he is now a well-adjusted, responsive baby that chortles, calls and whistles a lot and is clearly practicing words under his breath. He imitates phrases with exact replica whistles and everyone is convinced he'll be talking soon, but there's no pressure.


ee're both happy to be here on the forum to learn and share with all of you and took a fresh picture today for the occasion.


talk to you soon,



oh, ps..."Mitra" means spiritual friend in the ancient sanskrit language.



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Hello Angel and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mitra, I love that name and the meaning.


Sorry you don't get to be with Max anymore but now you have Mitra and she is a doll from the photo you shared with us. Sometimes they choose us and not vice versa and I am sure she may have sensed that you needed her as much as she needed you.


She sounds like a very well adjusted grey and will be talking soon as she is displaying all the classic indications of future speech.


Do take a few minutes to read some of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions if you have any. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.

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Well nice to meet you and Mitra! That is very nice how you named him. It's always interesting when you hear others names.


My TAG SweetHeart is also 9 months old and doing the same thing you are saying with saying things under the breath lol. It's interesting what you hear.


Well glad that you joined us and we look forward to more pics to come!

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