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she never stops amazing me!


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Fawkes has been with us for 3 weeks now I believe and she is just amazing! Of course she gives the occasional nip...but she then tells herself "ohh bad girl, naughty grey bird" wich is just the cutest thing, when she says it! Last night I had her out at the computer with me and every time I would take a drink of my soda she would make this water sound effect that she learned the other day. Then when she would see one of the cats she would say "oh" and then she would blow air at them! She also now copies the sound of us blowing our noses (gross yes but funny), she has picked up 3/4 of the andy griffith theme song just from me whistling it 3 times. I changed her water yesterday and asked her to watchout so I could put it back in her cage and she goes "why" so I say because I have your water and she says "water", wich she had never said before either. Well I just thought i would share some of Fawkes interesting vocab with you all!! I truly enjoy every minute with my (as she say) "pretty grey girl!"

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They can be very entertaining can't they and they are intelligent and use words in context.


Unfortunately they do copy sounds we would rather they didn't but you can't pick and choose what they say, but it is funny to hear those sounds coming from their beak.


Glad you are enjoying your Fawkes for she is the most precious thing you have isn't she?:P B)

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I truly enjoy such inspirational stories. It is amazing how much they absorb and learn in such a short time. My male grey was heard saying "Let's go" last night. My husband and I could not help but laugh because that is what we are always saying to the boys when we are going somewhere. My boys have heard my greys say Hello, Pretty Bird, and Step up. I enjoy your stories. Please keep them coming.

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Your so right they are amazing, i started with 2 & ended up with 5 :laugh: they never cease to amaze me or entertain me, every morning im on my hands & knees cleaning the floor in my bird room & without fail every morning Alfie & Freddie are perched above me saying " what yer doing ? " & i say cleaning poop off the floor :laugh:

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Ahh how nice! I know I asked that again in another post. Sorry! I thought my baby was behind lol for after I heard yours talking up a storm lol. But that's not important anyway! But secretly you know we all hope for just a little word Like "love you" lol. I say that every night before I put her to bed!


But keep us updated!

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