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Evening snuggles


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Greetings everyone!


When I read that Dan's Dayo has his evening snuggle routine as well, I thought it would be nice to share some evening snuggle-pics. Since Bella is being so lovey this evening (after a fierce day of attacking her toys :laugh: ) We captured some Bella snuggles on camera. Do share yours too!!!!




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My pleasure Judy! We have several more, but it appears I can't upload them into one post without uploading them to the photo gallery first... or I might just be too sleepy to figure it out LOL! Anyway, here's Bella going after the buttons AGAIN! Seems this is also a part of our evening routine :laugh:




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Ronda477 wrote:

That is very sweet! I only wish I had pics like that to share! I even showed Sweetheart the pics to show her what she wasn't doing lol and she didn't care. Oh well. But was very nice! Thanks for sharing!!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/25 04:00


Awww, Sweetheart sounds like she's coming around though. Does she seem like she's more approachable in the evening? I've heard from various people that the babies seem to have snuggle time in the evening. Bella can be very playful all day, but she mellows out totally towards the evening and wants to snuggle until she goes to bed. What does Sweetheart do in the evening? Does she sit with you?

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Terri, I have noticed that with what everyone else writes as well, that theirs are cuddly in the evening more. We have been having our half hour sessions with her in the evening and she does prefer me, but by no means is she cuddly. She will let me pick her up with no growling is all. On the other hand my husband goes to pick her up and is growling and supposibly TAG's are known for the family birds. But it only seems to be hubby so far. The kids can touch her. We can all handle her as far as step ups go, but no one can really pet her. I actually have a recording of us doing that yesterday and how she acted. I will try to upload it to youtube so everyone can see what I'm talking about.

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Hi there Judy and Ronda,


From everything I've read there seem to be snugglers and others are not. When Bella and I first met, the breeders told me she was unusually cuddly. Having heard that greys are not snugglers I've been half way expecting her to become more aloof as time goes on. She hasn't as of yet, so maybe she'll stay a snuggle bug, either way, I've never lived with a companion animal who's connected with me so specifically and clearly. I think the only way I can pharse it is - she "gets' me" :laugh:

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That's awesome Terri. I know SweetHeart was a cuddle muffin with the breeder, but we got her at 6 months old and than a very very very horrible flight to us, so we have just been giving her time. We have had her now for 4 months, but as long as she will sit with me which is what we are working on, I will be happy.


Glad though that yours is soo cuddly with you. That's they way my husband's quaker is with him even though she was abused for 3 years before us. That's why I wanted MY OWN bird lol. She'll come around or at least some lol. Than we are getting a real cuddle muffin within the next 5 weeks! So all of us including our kids will be happy lol.

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OOHHH you mean you haven't read? Goody I can tell someone else lol. We are getting a baby Goffin Cockatoo




here is the link to it on the board in the other birds section. He is only 5 weeks old. They are loud, but he will be what the entire family wants as far as cuddly goes lol.

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You know that is what we were hoping for! Our Quaker that wanted nothing to do with anyone else but my husband started letting our daughter pick her up along with me a little after we got SweetHeart. So just maybe that will work with her too lol. And we found out it's a boy, we are naming him Casper. Thanks!!!

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