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Fletcher should be comming home in about 2 weeks from today.Breeder wants him down to 1 feeding at night which is ok with me.The picture in my avitar is the latest pic of him,hes a big bird.I will surely keep you posted on the working of this program and how it works. I am not sure if he knows the step up yet since there are no pictures of him being handled on there site,could mean that hes hard headed but that doesnt scare me!!!By the way I am Sam and my CAG is Fletcher hope we can be friends:) This should be posted in bird tricks as a reply to my post there ...sorry<br><br>Post edited by: Fletcher, at: 2008/02/24 19:59

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Hello Sam, so the big day is in about 2 weeks, that won't be long and I know you can hardly wait, I remember when I was in your shoes, so excited about the big day.


This should have been posted in that other thread, but don't worry about it, admin can move it if they see fit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Fletcher was suppose to be on the plane at 5:29 eastern time but guess what no bird only a bunch of idiots at the airport blamming it on the last stop,how classic.Its going to be pretty cold here tonite so i am concerned with the well being of my baby bird.Anybody ever have this problem and what coarse did you take,will the chilly weather have any effect on the health of the bird,low is going to be 39* tonite plus no one knows where he is ,i do have the breeder in on it she is going to try an trace it back from Atlanta(last stop).Can i hold the airport responsible for the well being of the bird or any vet bill this might cause.Anything i should know? Thanks Sam

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Sam I can't imagine how you must feel at this moment and they don't know where your bird is, doesn't that just figure. I hope they find him and keep him some place warm until he can get to you. I don't know if you can hold them responsible but I sure would try, how can they lose a bird. Keep us informed as to what you find out.:angry:

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Sam I have soo been through this! My baby was on a 13 hour flight. She was in TX went to Atlanta, Than to Charleston South Carolina, than back to Atlanta and than to Charleston West Virginia. I called Delta and told them my concerns cause they had a live animal of mine on the flights. They were very very very good about it all. They found where she was, and right away put her back on a flight to me, which of course still had to take a bunch of time. A 5 hour flight turned into almost 14 hours. Than a 2 hour ride home from the airport. The breeder should be able to get ahold of the airlines and actually someone at the desk should be able to give you a # to call for their pet dept. Between the two of you, (breeder and You) you should be able to take care of it all. Are you at home now? As far as holding anyone responsible, I'm not really sure. In my case it was the breeders fault. The code for Charleston WV was one letter off from Charleston SC and it got mixed up. Please PM me if you want to, I will try to keep watching this post tonight!! Where are you located? And where is the bird flying in from?

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Well trust me, I know how scary it can be!!! I was crying like a parent that lost her kid in the airport lol. But I had no control over it at all. I wasn't the one that lost her and had to try to find her. So I really know how Sam feels. Hopefully they will come back and tell us what is going on!

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LOL No Joe! The breeder did it all. It was through Delta Airlines. She did it I know right through the Delta site online. She deals with them all the time, for she probably ships out over 100 birds a year! And yes Joe I know you were being funny lol, just wanted to let other users know lol.

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Well thanks all for the concern as soon as i finished typing the last post of mine the airport calls an tells me that they had the bird and that it was all a mix up .Iam sure they were worried about his welll being but thats not really an excuse for losing a bird especially with gas as high as it is i was really pissed that as soon as i got back home they found him so i rushed right back up an got him ,I did make the guy let me here the bird before i left home as iam sure rocket scientist dont work in cargo. Thanks Sam

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No problem Sam! Let us know how Fletcher is doing! He will be a little upset with everyone depending on how long he was there, but if he is young, don't do what I did and give him time. Cuddle him and be close to him and show him you are there to save him! He will love you for it! If you need anything please don't hesitate to write any of us!!!

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Boy am I glad to hear that Fletcher was found safe and sound but sorry you had to make two trips to get him, but airports are notorious for losing luggage and obviously pet cargo too. Let us know how he adjusts to his new home and share some more pictures as soon as you can.:P

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Thanks Fletch is home an seems to be fine .He is very skittish but that is also understandable.One thing for sure this bird will be one talking CAG i can understand a lot of the things he is trying to say,hello ,apple are some of the clearest words and some i havent made out yet.He is very clumsy but hes slowly learning how to manuver around his large home.He doesnt trust me at this time but iam sure that will change as he setles into his new home.He does eat very well and seems to enjoy playing with all his toys .Iam about to give him his nightly hand feeding,,Thanks Sam

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Thanks for the update Sam and yes it takes time for him to trust you, just be patient and it will happen.


Sounds like you will have a talker soon if he is already trying to say a few words but at this point he is mostly doing gibberish, thats what I call it before it is actually clear words.:P

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That's good news Sam. Since he just got there today and experienced quite a shock to his system from the travel, it actually sounds like he is handling it well. :-)


That good news is he is healthy and finally reached the home that loves him and will provide a great and enriched environment for him to flourish in.


Looking forward to updates and photos, photos, videos and more photos B) :laugh:

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