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Gus and Gloria New Here

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Hello Gloria and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gus.:P


Some of us are so envious of you having an snuggler, most greys do not enjoy cuddling especially after they move toward adulthood, mine included. It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with him and I like that idea that he is a companion not a pet.:)


You have some wonderful photos on your profile of you and Gus, he is quite the handsome fella and you take very good pictures. You may also post a few in the threads if you like so more will see him.:P


You will enjoy reading thru the threads on various topics for lots of useful information and stories of other's lives with their greys, some of them are quite funny. Do ask questions if you have any and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.:)

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