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Accomplishments? or not? lol


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Ok I am posting this cause Judy was very interested lol and it was just too much to write and to let everyone know what is going on lol.


Today my husband Jessie went over for our daily step ups and our working exercise with SweetHeart. He went over and asked her to step up, growling like she always does she did and he talked to her very sweet and told her what a very pretty girl she was. He goes to pet her to show that his hands are no harm and growling almost the entire time he is doing it. He stops only when she seems to have calmed down a bit and notices "Oh this isn't that bad, and he's not hurting me". He than brought her back to the couch where she sat on his knee. I came over after a few minutes to do the same thing with her. She came right over to me and climbed all the way up me on to my shoulder (save the lectures lol I already know the dangers) but she went right on up and sat there and let me kiss her wings. She turned around and looked at hubby and sat there and started preening herself a little with scratches and stuff. My husband said she was very relaxed with me compared him. Which I guess is very true. She will let me pet her sometimes with some little growls but most of the time not. I actually got to pet her beak tonight! And actually so did my husband! I am very excited about just our little baby steps lol. She may not be cuddly but the last week or so, even though she must be on my shoulder she isn't flying away. She used to just go to my shoulder or hubbies shoulder just for the highest point she could get to so she could fly away from us. Now she likes it there and will just sit there looking around. We have only done this in like 30 minute segments just cause we want to show her we aren't hurting her and we mean no harm. So tell me what ya think??

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I think its great, you have achieved quite a feat here if she is not flying away, this was what you wanted and you are getting it. She is slowly learning you are not going to hurt her and this has taken a long time but we don't preach time and patience for nothing. I think you have gone about this the right way, it has worked for you and your hubby and I can't be more pleased with the results.


You should be very proud of yourselves and it will only get better, she may never be the cuddle lover that some of the members here have but she is bonding with you more and more every day. Looks like she is going to favor you more than your hubby but that is what you preferred anyway wasn't it, the goffin is his bird, lets hope it doesn't favor you over him.


Pat yourself on the back Ronda, small steps they may be but it is a huge accomplishment believe me.

Thanks for letting us know:P

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Thank you Judy! I am very happy, I had actually earlier in the day wrote a thread on not knowing if we should continue what we were doing or not. It erased it cause I had waited too long to send it through and I was signed out. Guess there is a reason for everything lol. I am very happy even though it's just a little, it seems huge!

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Well they don't say good things come to those who wait for nothing and you certainly deserve it thats for sure. You have worked long and hard to gain her acceptance and I believe you have finally turned the corner on this.


Not saying you won't have a few setbacks but you are on the right road so keep up what you are doing for the rewards are worth it, you go girl!!! Karma your way again.:)

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Well I just had something happen that made me happy!{Feel-good-000200A2}


I was sitting here eating some chicken and rice. SweetHeart kept eyeballing me so I asked her if she wanted some? I went over to her cage, she was sitting on her swing inside and I gave her some off of my spoon. The breeder had always said she would know to eat off a spoon, but she has never done this for me in the 4 months I have had her. She was actually eating it!!! If you have read my posts before on her, you would know that she doesn't seem to eat people food real well. She throws it, but doesn't eat it. I don't know if it was because it was pretty warm or what, but I was tickled that she ate it!!! Thought I would share!! Hopefully this is just the start of a bunch of good things to come!


I'm working on a little video of her. Hopefully I can get that posted before too long!

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LOL Judy see that is the thing, every day for the last 4 months I have offered her foods. She only took it for the first time today and she was in her cage when she did it lol. I had the door open cause she was just in there eating her sprouts and playing. But that was the first time since we got her and she is offered quit often. That's why I thought it was such a big deal lol.


And thank you MommaFawkes she has her very up and very down days lol. But slowly she is getting better

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OK GET THIS! I'm sorry but I'm just soo excited! After 4 months of not getting any reaction out of her or her flying the other way this is just awesome for me! And honestly no one understand but everyone here!


Jessie and I were on the floor with her this evening. First time in a very long time. We put all dogs up and put her toy on the floor along with some peanuts.


Well like she always seems to lately, she favors me, hehehe, I do still want her to go to everyone though. So I handed her to hubby and she just wanted to climb to his shoulder to fly to me. So he put her on his knee and than she tried to fly to my knee. I went ahead and put her down on the ground and attempt after attempt she just climbed right back up on me and to my shoulder but would just sit there happy. Not trying to fly away like she has in the past. And I wasn't far from her cage so she could have attempted if she wanted. Well I put her back on the ground and stood up this time, hoping she would waddle over to my husband still sitting on the floor. She waddled over to me and started up my pant leg!!! So I got her and brought her to me and pet her for a sec, and than gave her back to hubby. Well she just kept going to me. I have to say I was very tickled. Normally she would just avoid both of us and go back over to her cage and climb up it. Instead she climbed up me and followed me like a little pup! I can't tell you how excited I am. I actually have little butterflies while I'm typing this and it's now 3 hours past lol. I just wanted to share, cause like I said no one really understands, besides hubby, on how the joy is when something like this happens. Thanks everyone for supporting and being here when it has been what seems like the most terrible time. I haven't been able to stand that we get a little baby and haven't been able to barely touch her. And I know we have lots to come, but this is just AWESOME! Oh yeh and not to mention I think this may be something too, she took a peanut from my hand and was eating it on my shoulder!! Made a mess, but I don't care!


And yes on the kids turning into brats lol. My 12 year old daughter is going on 17! And she hasn't even had her womanly thing yet lol!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/26 06:16

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Good grief girl, you are so excited you can hardly stand it can you, I just bet you were jumping into the air with joy and you should, she has come a long way but she is bonding to you big time now. Time and patience works wonders and you can't say we didn't tell ya so.


Next thing we will hear is how she follows you everywhere you go and you can't get anything done for her underfoot, blah blah blah:whistle:


Congrats Ronda, you did it!!!!:P

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