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Ok, it's been kind of that winter gloomy here in WV. I take SweetHeart out of her cage like I do every morning. The last two mornings she has went up ate a little seed, which I only have on her play top and than goes back in and plays with her toys or sits on her swing and sleeps here and there. She is grooming herself normal and eating very normal, just she has never spent most of the day in her cage. The door is left open for her option and always has been. There are a few new things I put in her cage about two weeks ago. One is a new perch, two is a new toy, and one is a old toy that I put back in. I also just did some more sprouts for her and I haven't done them much lately and she keeps checking that bowl. Maybe I'm just being silly lol. Cause as I'm typing this I'm going DUH! Everything else seems normal though. What do you think?


Oh and does anyone else's Grey have problems with the way they wear their hair? lol SweetHeart absolutely hates my hair down!! Wendy which was her breeder had very very very short hair. I on the other hand have very very very long hair down to my waist lol. I try to wear it up as much as possible but I get migraines and have to wear it down and than just occasionally I want to wear it down lol. I still make her do her every day things with me like she has to step up and such, but she growls lol. Just wondering if anyone else had this problem. Not looking to solve it lol she'll just have to deal with my hair lol. Just curios though.

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Sweetheart wants her sprouts ;) I'm sure she probably associates that dish with her food Ronda.

I wear my hair tied back most days, the greys dont like it down ! i do know that hair can be a funny thing with them, i know someone who had long hair & had it cut short & her grey went nuts wouldnt go near her for weeks !

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lol I figured. I just wanted to make sure and was hoping I wasn't making some steps backward somehow. Here she is now banging her dish lol. I'll have to get her some sprouts, I have some in fridge so she will be happy! Thanks! I told you I was having a DUH moment!

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It sounds like she may just enjoy those new toys and old one you put back in and she may be hoping that some sprouts will magically appear ;-)


Dayo does not like spiked hair or Halloween masks. He will scream and growl every time he sees them. :-)


I found a very small toy cloth mouse the other day in the back of the cupboard. I held it up to Dayo on top of the hanging rack and He screamed, I screamed we all screamed and then he flew into the living room!!! :lol: :silly:


I guess he didn't like it. ;-) B)

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LOL Dan!


Are you telling me my hair is like a Halloween mask? lol Just jokin!


I gave her her sprouts and I put them on top of her cage. She came out and ate some and than went right back to her little swing and is sitting there lol. I mentioned that it was gloomy here and maybe she just thinks it's kind of night time again or something. I don't like to have lights on during the day unless I have to. She did seem to come out a little more yesterday once I turned them on though in the evening. She seems happy in there, I guess I'll try not to take it personal lol.

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