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Hello Arkbart4 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and no you do not have to own a grey to be a part of our family, you do have the one factor that is shared by all of us and that is a love of birds.


I am sure Peanut is quite a character, most B&G macaws are and we do have some members who also own macaws and a few are B&G ones. They are gorgeous creatures and yours is no exception from the photo in your avatar.


Read thru many of the threads here for lots of useful information that would apply to macaws also and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


We do have an other birds room where you can share a few photos of Peanut if you would like, we would love to see more of him, especially full length body shots, B&G macaws are very pretty and I love looking at them.

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Arkbart4 I went to the site where you had your pics posted and tried to help you, if you look in the thread on how to post pictures that you had asked questions on I posted a reply there and actually one of you pics for you. If you need more help with it please feel free to e-mail me.


Hope your enjoying the site so far though!

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Thank you all for all of the welcomes . I need some advice . Peanut is realy good with me and Russell . Last night i was playing with him on the bed and he was fliping upside down and rolling over on his back . Hanging from my fingers . We play like this all the time . Then a friend came by and as soon as he got into the room peanut reached out and bit me . What is this , just acting out of is it a behavor problem ? Does anyone know a way to correct this .

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How old is peanut? Sounds to me like he just gets a little jealous when the attention is no longer on him. When he bites what do you do? Do you give a stern No, and than put him down? I have read allot of people do the stern No no no No bite, and than put their bird down, or usually back in the cage and turn their back on them for about 5 min. This tells them that what they just did wasn't acceptable. And hopefully they will pick up that every time I do this I get ignored for a bit and they won't do this anymore. Hopefully some more people with Macaws will come around and help you out!

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Thats kinda what i figured . Yes i have been training him with NO and puting him back in his cage for a few minutes . He is just 11 mo old . I had people tell me that he couldnt learn what no ment they said i was supost to use goodies only when he was good . He is smart enough i think thay can learn what no means . It worked on my smaller birds we used to have (quakers ). Thanks

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