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Brody is bitting! HELP!!!


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Ok, sorry it took me so long to get back. I was too tired to get on. Ok, anyways, for the two cage thing. I live in a very large house, 5 bedrooms, and Brody's room is like a study or game room, so its an open floor plan. That's where his day cage is. His sleep cage is in my bedroom. He seems to like moving to one cage to another and I think he knows. I've seen him jump off his day cage and walk all the way to my room to go to sleep. The reason why I have two cages is because I have a very loud home. Television on, radio, music playing, video games, and a big family. Its peaceful in my room.


I don't let him on my shoulder anymore. I was thinking, if timeout should be away from their cage, since they like their cage. Shouldn't it be a place they do not like? I don't really know... Ronda you've giving me so much information. Thank You. I still need help. I'm gonna try the cage thing, what about a carrier?

Thanks guys and I will keep you all posted!

Lisa and Brody

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No problem Lisa that is what we are all here for! Trust me! As for the two cages that is fine, whatever works for you and Brody! He seems to know where night night is and that's great! As for the time outs, why is it that you are giving him those? If he gets too out of hand I would still just suggest the time outs in the cage, the reason for that being, is because even though they seem to like it there, they are flock birds and would much rather be with you. So if he does something and you put him in there away from you and you turn your back on him and don't talk to him for about 5 minutes than he will know, oh wow, when I do something I get put in here and ignored. They want you to love them no matter how hard they try not to show that lol. I have def learned that with SweetHeart. He is still very young and just testing his boundaries. I wouldn't give him too many time outs just yet, cause a firm no no no, may work as well too, for it does SweetHeart still. If she starts to go for a finger, I just say "No no no!" "No bite" and she stops in her tracks. I have yet to be bit hard. And I say yet cause I know there will probably be the day. But in the 4 months I haven't yet. And don't think you are bothering anyone! I know you had said you still need help, that is fine hon! Ask away! It's better you ask, than do something that could hurt your little sweety, like putting him in the bath tub. I'm sorry but that just isn't right lol. I don't think the carrier is a good idea and the only reason for that being is, he knows his cage is safe, and if he associates the carrier as bad than he won't like to go in it when it comes time to take him on a trip or to the vet. So I would avoid that one. But maybe another member would disagree. He knows his cage is safe and he knows he would like to be with you, so without stressing him, he is being punished, by not being with you and getting your attention. Keep us updated hon! We are here!

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Oh yea, do you think it could be sleep? Brody goes to bed late. He sleeps in my room and I can hear him in the dark going down to eat, and then go back in his cubbie and start preening himself. Also, could it be that I cut my hair? Maybe he doesnt like the new look?


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Yes Lisa it could be all of the above lol. They need to get at least 10 hours of sleep. If he is in his cage though and he is preening and eating he is just doing his nightly routine for bed. But try to cover him if you can so he can get his beauty rest. As for the hair, some of them are really picky with it! Mine is very very long, and the breeders was very very very short, If I don't wear my hair up, she growls at me very badly, when it's up though she is perfectly fine with me. So yes hair can be a big deal.

Oh I just read that it is in the dark he is going down and eating, he's still fine though, but I would try to cover him if you don't and make sure you try to put him in there so he can get some good sleep. Like right now, it's 1 in the morning, but she is in her cage sleeping while I'm sitting here writing. She gets uncovered probably around 9 or so in the morning. But those are both important that you asked about.

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Well the timeout came from a friend. She told me that she put all her birds in the bath tub when they bite her. That she would turn the light off, shut the door, and leave them for 5 min. I agree with you. I don't like the way that sounds. I remember when I had my Caiques, I tried to discipline them, and it didn't work. So, no no no would work just fine? Ok, I'm gonna get some sleep and try the cage time out tomorrow. I will get on and update you guys. I'll only give him timeout if he bites me. Like tonight he bit me on the cheek again. Not where it bleed, but it did hurt. He doesn't give gentle kisses anymore either. He doesn't bite hard, but it can still hurt and it does seem wrong. I will slow down on the toy spending and just use what I have. He seems to really like Planet Pleasures toys, http://theperchstore.net/pp41109.html

Anyways, I will be back to ask more questions... I hope you guys don't mind.


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Ronda, he is covered half way, and he sleeps in a tent. I think he just knows his way around in the dark, don't ya think. LOL. I can just hear him eating his pellets at 4 in the morning. I will try covering him all the way around. Maybe its because he's not getting enough sleep and he is grumpy? Poor baby. I will work very hard on him. I love this bird so much. After losing all my babies this little guy sure fits in well with me. I just worry too much. :(

Thank You so much Ronda. You are an angel, you're awesome!



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The tent is cool. I would go ahead and try to cover him all the way though if you can. SweetHeart will eat when I first put her back in there and than when I tell her night night she goes and sits on her swing. She actually stays in the same spot all night long until I uncover her again. Than she poops and goes over and eats and than I take her out and she eats more lol. And yes it sounds like he is active during the night, so more sleep will just maybe do wonders for the little guy! And all of us mommies worry! Or we wouldn't make good mommies! And angel lol I don't know about that but very glad I could help! I love to help when I can! Trust me I have gotten my share of it here on the board! Awesome. I will take that compliment lol. And hugs back at ya girl! Night! And keep us updated!!! 00a5c7aae54b593737e737bf370f9612-426a3038226f5a8c4c9850713cab43fb.jpg


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