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Dried Beans.......


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I was just reading someones posting because I was looking for a list of foods that are harmful to parrots. I had a website bookmarked on my computer but lost it when my comp crashed. I happen to be doing a large batch of beans and fresh veggies as I came across the posting about them being poisonous or harmful to birds. Is it possible that since we soak them over night before cooking to release the gasses in them, that this is why the dried bean is harmful to them? Just a thought. I usually do a 6 month batch and freeze them with fresh veggies and fruit. Little hint, rather than soaking overnight, you can bring them just to a boil, remove from heat and drain from the water, then fill pan up with water again and cook. This too releases the gas from the bean and you dont have to soak all night....

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Hello Funkygirl and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you. You don't mention it but do you have an african grey?


We do have several threads that deal with forbidden foods for parrots, just do a search and you will find them. Dried beans are ok for feeding but they must be cooked first, I haven't heard that they are harmful to our birds. My Josey loves pinto beans and she has them all over her beak when she eats them LOL


Do read thru the many threads on site for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you do have a grey and have some pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi Judygram


I dont have an african grey but I really do want to get one. i have a few animal friends right now and it probably wouldnt be the best time to bring another one in. 2 Dogs, a cat, a rabbit, a tortoise, and my blue and gold macaw. Geeze those African Greys are amazing!! I look forward to the day I can bring one home;) I cook about every available bean there is for my B&G Zoey. Its funny, i don't like cooking, but I always enjoy cooking up a big batch of beans and mixing with her fresh fruit and veggies. I freeze it all in baggies.

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Funkygirl, we have many members who have lots of other animals in the household along with a grey, it just takes time to make the adjustment and supervision to make sure nothing bad happens to any of them. They can coexist in the same home and get along nicely so if that is the reason you hesitate getting one why wait.


It sounds like you enjoy cooking up a bunch of food for your B&G so it wouldn't be much different making a little more or doing it a litte more often if you have a grey.

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That is so cool, the Mark Twain Quote! I have never heard that before :) Hey, maybe you can help me...I was trying to post a pic of my Blue and Gold last night and it just kept erroring out. Suggestions? Maybe it's because it's not a pic of an African Grey? haha;)


Your postings are an interesting read.


Funky Girl

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I know what you're saying........what's one more bird? I recently got divorced and trying to figure out how I am gonna support myself and the animal buddies I have:unsure: .....It's a bit overwhelming at times and need to get some things in line first. Getting a Grey will happen though:P


It's funny, I have a friend that has a Greenwing and when I was considering getting a bird she talked about the Grey's and told me that you just have to get use to their appearance, that they aren't that attractive. I think they are beautiful. I should have looked into it more at the time I was looking to get a bird, I might have a Grey now if I would have.........but I do love my Blue and Gold Zoey. She's not an African, but she definately has her own wonderful qualities. My dad always says, "Good things come to those who wait". It will happen.

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Welcome Funkygirl!! :-)


The B&G Macaws are beautiful, intelligent and wonderful to own as well. They have HUGE personalities and almost seem to like to play like a dog, I guess because they are so big, hey can handle it.


The uncooked bean question you asked in the beginning is a good one. The issue is that the Beans do contain toxins dry before they are soaked and cooked.


Once cooked as you have done, freezing and warming as you are doing is fine. This is how we do it also. We cook large batches with at least 8 different bean types, oat groats, veggies and flax seed. Then we individually sandwich bag it and take a bag out daily, thaw and serve.


It's nice to have you here. :-)

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I certainly understand that with all you have going on right now that another bird would be too much to handle and so when the time is right you will be able to realize your dream of having a grey.:)


Some people just don't get it that just because they are gray in color that they are not pretty birds for they are certainly very attractive in my opinion. With that red tail it is a very striking combination and I see my Josey as a very beautiful bird just as beautiful as my sun conure who is lots of bright colors but especially yellow.:P

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I think the "scalloping" on their feathers is gorgeous even if it's gray and white.


This was a great question! With all my reading and such I either never read that the raw beans were toxic or I forgot it!


I'm guessing the other exception (other than cooking them, that is), is sprouting them? (mung, azuki, lentils, etc.?) I haven't been cooking mine before sprouting them and I'm not sure if they would even sprout if they did cook?


I do what you, Dan and many others do as well and cook up a multi-bean/veggie/brown rice mix and freeze in individual baggies. (last time I overcooked the beans though and ended up with one nasty looking mush! Yikes! It still worked as a decent base for adding to though for a cooked food).


As far as getting a Grey...when the time is right, you will find one in your life. :-)


Can't wait to see the pics of your B&G...they're one of my favorites! That or a GW is my "someday" bird! ;)

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