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Adoptin a baby CAG 7 weeks old .. pls advise


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Post edited by: AAA, at: 2008/02/22 22:49


Hi All,


I just met a new breeder, I saw the bird that was kept for him personally and lately the bird's mother laid more eggs and he decided to sell the 7 weeks old male CAG. Which hatched on 28/29 DECEMBER -07 (as he remembers).


I attach some photos for you to see :):)


the bird is not biting, it is hand fed (with a special parrots food - like the kids Cerrilac)its even friendly, it can step up on my hand and sound like start talking unknown words and sounds. I want your suggestion on the food which I should give the bird.?


he said that it is a Cameron African Grey, which is different than the Congo. (as far as I read about the AGs ... its all the same)


the wings are not clipped (he normally do not clip birds wings) my main concern is I don't want the bird to fly in the room and hit the wall and fall on objects in my house which may lead to any injury. Please advice? I read the threads and it is not encouraged with most AG owners, if so! Then how to manage this important issue!


until when this bird should be given food by a syringe?

how many times a day ... (the breeder says one time morning and one in the evening is fine) I want to know the gap in between? Any recommendations?


when shall I start weaning and is it an easy task? I feel the faster the better?


any vaccination needs to be given, any medicine recommended at this age shall be give to new babies and for how long? [i believe baby birds like human babies!] what do you say?


CAGE: (don't be mad at me :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: )


I have a balcony with a big glass door and not being used at all coz it is a small one can't be used for any thing for almost 4 years now" I want to close the outer side on the street and make it a cage for the new baby [17" depth 89" height more than 118" width] what do you think!!!


Waiting to hear from you.<br><br>Post edited by: AAA, at: 2008/02/22 22:50


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He looks slighlty older than 7 weeks ! here is a visual guide & a guide on handfeeding... He should be trying seed & fruit etc. dont force him they all wean at different stages.Many breeders use a syringe or spoon with the edges bent inwards, what has the breeder been useing ?






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Wow yes that baby looks allot more than just 7 weeks. My baby cockatoo, I know totally different is still getting feathers and he is 5 weeks old today. They do grow fast I know that for a fact though. As far as cage goes, I don't know where you live. That wouldn't be a bad idea, just have to make sure he could not get out for sure! You wouldn't want him to just fly away, that would be very sad. And you would want to make sure they had a place to get out from the rain. As long as you don't live where it gets too cold than it probably would be very nice for him. As for the weaning I couldn't give advice on that, but for the wing clipping, you do what is the safest and best for your conditions and your bird. Everyone has different circumstances and has to adjust for one reason or another. So if you feel your bird is in danger than you should clip. If you can bird safe your house than try that as well. It just depends on what you have around such as windows or dogs or anything they can get hurt on. You need to take everything into consideration and than make your own decision on that. I for one clip. I have way too many windows in the house and other cages that she was able to fly to and could end up hurting herself or even worse death. So I clipped. But totally up to you. He is a very pretty bird though, and they are not that common! Keep in touch with all of us and update us on everything!

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That grey looks older than 7 weeks to me also, are you sure the breeder said 7 weeks?


I'm not sure about converting the balcony to an area to house the grey, I think a cage would be a better choice but then I can't see what it looks like, I guess it could work but you would have to make sure it was escape proof.


The breeder should instruct you on how, when and all the whatifs about handfeeding but we also have several threads that explain it and weaning. You do have to be careful and know what you are doing, your bird's life depends on it.


Let us know what you decide to do about getting this grey but we will support you with guidance and advice if you do take it.:)

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That's a healthy looking baby CAG there AAA!!!


As others have said, I would feed him with a syringe as your Breeder does. Get a few lessons from your Breeder on using this and also how to properly prepare the formula along with reading the links LMG posted for you on feeding.


You can start offering new foods to him like fruits, veggies, nuts and pellets. If nothing else he will play with them and learn the taste and texture as he does so.


The room you are describing as turning into basically a nice flight cage sounds pretty awesome, but is hard to recommend without photos to see what you are describing.


A cage, would still be a must, I would think, just in case the room your describing doesn't work out.


Regarding his estimated age, he is definitely older than 7 weeks. Here are a few photos of Dayo at different week intervals to give you a ruler to estimate his age a little better.


8 weeks old:




10 weeks old




12 weeks old



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Thanks Tracy, I hope it helps in determining the age a little closer for AAA. I kept a weekly photo file of our weekly visits from week 6 through week 16.


They are two different clutches both born within just a few days of each other. One thing I noted about the 2 clutches is, the clutch Dayo was from were all more friendly and exploratory than the other, which also contained the "Grey from Hell" that attacked me when they were 12 weeks old. He is the one standing in the background by the plastic Bin. He is the one that started the "Parrot Bite me Club" :pinch: It seems personalities are inherited to some extent. :-)

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thanks a lot for your responses, yes you all are right I agree the CAG is way more than 7 weeks. I will confirm this with the breeder today.


Tracy thanks for the links, it is informative and will help me a lot.


Ronda, yes I agree, everyone has circumstances and it depends on my flat situation, however I may be moving to a new house - a bigger one and will see how I can manage this clipping issue, a Question (how long will feathers grow again? I may clip it at this time and then when the bird get used to the place and to us I will not clip it again! what do you think?


the cage, I am still working on this option. Thanks for the suggestions.


DAN, what a nice photos, I love them. the below pictures and what Tracy sent and I looked at the Photo album and browse photos for different ages, I guess the bird is minimum 12 :P :P better for me ;) ;)


will send photos of the balcony, before doing anything B)


will stay in touch, I will always need your help, pls support at this period, I want everything to go in the right way with my CAG adoption :unsure: :unsure: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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If you clip the Wings, it will take up to a year for them to molt out. It just depends at what age you clip them. I would imagine it will be when your Grey is 16 to 20 weeks old after he has fully fledged and learned to fly, turn, stop, land etc. which builds the initial coordination and confidence you want in your Grey.


If your Grey is 12 weeks old, I would imagine he is already starting to perform some short flights. Is the breeder letting them stretch their wings and fly a little yet?


We will always be here when you need us and we enjoy helping others, as I am sure you know.


We'll look forward to the photos of the room and hearing more of your new CAGH progress and seeing some more photos of him. :-)

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Yes you can always count on us to help you in any way we can, we have a team of members who are some of the most caring individuals you will find anywhere, all you have to do is ask.


The grey in the picture you posted is older than 7 weeks and an estimate of 12 weeks is more accurate I believe.

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Finally, I got my AG baby last evening, and we went shopping his food, syringe and the CAGE!


1. Can you guess the age from the photos?

2. Food: as per the breeder’s suggestions that to give the bird 10ml X 4 times per meal Two times a day.



I made the first feeding yesterday at 11:30pm. (It was fun – the bird was happy to see the syringe and had the 40 ml at one time slowly given.

Today before going to work at 06:30am I feed him his morning meal same way but I guess he wasn’t that hungry though! When shall I stop?

(I will feed him again at 06:30pm) is this okay?


3. Cage: what do you think of the cage, I guess he liked it :silly: he was stretching his legs and wings all the time. It is 20” width 20” depths.


4. Flying: we start with fun action after the meal by playing around with him for some time, You are right DAN he was doing some short flights and he is not bad in that but the breeder told me that he will fly and come back to me (haven’t tried that yet)


The breeder told me, don’t clip his wings and let him fly his wings even when holding his fingers, I guess I will delay wings clipping and do not perform many fling exercise for now (any recommendations).


5. Stretching legs & wings a lot is this OK, is he happy with the new cage or what? Is it a normal thing?


6. The Wings: please note the photo? Is his wings like this ok, I noticed that it is open like in the photo, I noticed that other birds photos the wings are usually adjacent to the body !! I donno, maybe am wrong, however, when he do this … what does he mean, I guess it is a popular thing and you guys will definitely know!! :) :) :)




7. BTW most of the times he wants to come to me and he will not escape from me, I like that, no biting as well. He is friendly I guess.


8. When I open the door to feed him in the morning, he jumped straight to go out, I didn’t let him (it’s time for food baby & am going to work - Fun is later) ….. Breeder said that he is used to this habit and do it always.


Guys, you are great caring individuals, it is a wonderful tool is this website that really gather all of us here.


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The cage is fine for now but I would get a bigger one soon, he needs the room to be able to open up his wings and flap without touching the sides of the cage.


Some of the other members will have more ideas whether you are feeding him ok, I don't have any experience with hand feeding a grey.


I am guessing that he is at least 12 weeks old in comparing him to the photos Dan posted and he is fully feathered.


I wouldn't clip his wings yet either, let him learn to fly so he can learn to land properly, that is essential to their well being and then later if you do want to clip you can.


About the wings, does he hold them like that all the time? You are right they usually have them tucked in tighter to the body than what it shows in the photo. Maybe some of the other members will have more insight into that and will share their opinions.


It sounds like he is a happy little fella and it is going well for you and him so far, keep us informed of his progress.

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I agree with Judy on the Cage size, unless this is just going to be used as a sleeping Cage.


His age does seem to be around 12 weeks and the 40cc 2x a day is about right. That's what our Grey went down to at around 12 weeks. They will also start gurgling out the food when you try to feed it to them at times. Please make sure you have fresh water, Pellets, a small amount of seeds and veggies in his Cage for him to eat during the day while your gone. Is he drinking water on his own yet? You need to make sure he is. Otherwise the only water he gets is in his formula.


The wings and his body stance/eyes focused downward seen to indicate he is ready to get down and play with or eat something :-) They hold their wings link that sometimes when they are thinking about moving or excited.

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Totally agree with Judy & Dan, he looks around 12 weeks,i haven't hand-reared greys but the 2 feeds seem fine, as Dan said make sure he has fresh water & some varied foods available in his cage.The cage is fine for now or for a sleeping cage but he really will need a bigger one.Where's the toys ? ;) Try & get him a cement perch or a sandy perch, it will keep his claws from being to sharp,the wooden dowel ones are not very good for their feet.


Stretching legs & wings a lot is this OK, is he happy with the new cage or what? Is it a normal thing?

completely normal grey behaviour ;)



If his wings are not like that permanently then there's nothing to worry about.


Right now a question for you ? :P What's his name ?

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That is the exact same cage that Teluhla has as her sleeping cage. Her regular cage is about 3x that size. she is about 13 weeks, and she still is taking two feedings a day although I think she is about ready to give up on the morning one. She drops her wings often too. The Lady that I bought her from said that it is ok and lots of time she does it ans then makes little grunt noises which she says are just a babies way of begging, usually for snuggles!!!

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Two feedings a day should be fine for now but in another week or 2 I think I would go down to one and start to introduce MANY types of fresh foods as well as pellets and some seed. However I would offer seed last because they will tend to pick seed over anything else and then it will be hard to get him to eat the other options. Never force ween though, they will probbaly call for formula for a while yet, they all ween at their own pace. Even after you think he is fully weaned please monitor his weight to make sure that he is eating enough, his weight will drop some during weaning but if there is a big drop then he will still need to be hand feed a little more yet. Just a few suggestions for you and your beautiful baby!! Good luck and congrats!!

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About the wings, does he hold them like that all the time? You are right they usually have them tucked in tighter to the body than what it shows in the photo. Maybe some of the other members will have more insight into that and will share their opinions


Judigram: no he doesn’t do it all the time, he just do it very frequently. I guess it is alright


Dan, I will check the veggies and the other food meal that I should prepare my self for the next period. I will be constantly looking through the threads over here.

Yes he is drinking water on his own and eats little amount of seeds from time to time.


I got him some kids toys and he is enjoying.


Tracy, Try & get him a cement perch or a sandy perch: where can I find these things? Do I have to make it my self ?



Teluhlasmom & MommaFawkes . Thanks for the response.


Question for All: its clown is hurting me, when he tries to stand on my fingers or my hand too. Its painful! :woohoo: :lol: :P:(

By the way, do birds have Pampers “Diapers”( ha ha ha ha ) he just poops everywhere :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I will read through the threads I remember reading this subject before!

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His wings im sure are normal ;)


Glad he is drinking on his own & keep trying new foods for him :)


his nails are sharp, he needs that perch to file them down ! :P


Ahmad,where are you in the world ? you will have to search the internet for the sandy perches & cement perches ! they look look like this....





here is a link for a UK site so you can have a look at the different perches avialable ;)




Ahmed has that grey got a name yet ? :P

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He will need a biger cage. The cage size you have is for Conure sized birds. I would say the smallest you should get would be 36in wide. The one he is in now could be used as a sleeping cage and because of his age transitional cage. I would keep a towel on top of the grate to keep him from getting hurt from falling. You said that he isn't really as into his morning feedings as he is for the night feedings. That is a very good indication that he is about ready to drop them. Start putting fresh foods in before you give the feeding and see how he eats. If he dives right in then you don't need to feed him. Keep the night feeding as long as he wants, but when he starts to loose interest then you can stop.

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