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Full body massage/scratch


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Does anyone elses grey like a full body massage/scratch?


Last night I gave our grey a massage/scratch for 30min for the first time. He stands there and lifts his wings and then I scratch all under his wings, over his back and head. He then he goes unside down and wants me to scratch his tummy. He makes little noises and gently nibbles my hand. He seemed to love it and when I stopped he pounced on me and looked at me as if why did you stop keep going. I know all grey are different, but is that normal for them to like a full body massage?


He is one lucky bird, even my boyfriend doesn't get a 30min full body massage from me.

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You are very lucky being able to touch him all over, many greys wont tolerate any more than a head scratch.Two of my greys do allow me to touch them all over but i have done this from day one so their use to it ;) My latest addition, Kaiti the TAG will sit for 1/2 hour or so she moves head around for me to scratch a certain bit,under her beak, over her ears etc. she falls asleep in the process :laugh:

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You are lucky indeed for most do not allow much touching beyond the head. Josey tolerates me touching her but she does not particularly care for it. That is amazing that he obviously enjoys it but now you have to keep it up or he will get upset with ya, I guess that is the price to pay for the pleasure.:P

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Yes, Dayo loves to spend time getting a full body massage and sratches as you describe. He always loves to have this "snuggle" time at around 7pm every evening. In fact, he expects it and will perform all his best baby looks, crys and physical antics he can think of until he gets it! :-)

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Wow! That's so sweet! I would certainly lose digits if I attempted that. I have s-l-o-w-l-y worked my way from her the top of her head to the back of her neck and now she'll turn her head upside down so I can skritch under her beak (won't let me do that unless her head is upside down). If I try to get a bit overzealous and push my boundaries, she immediately stands straight up and looks me directly in the eye as if to say "WATCH IT!"...then puts her head down and "coo's" as if to let me know I can proceed with the skritch session.


So I'm with the others...keep doing it so he stays used to it and maybe he'll let you do it forever! (Or he'll demand his daily massages, which is what I would do if I could!).

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Lisa have you tried to handle her in the shower? I can do whatever I like to Oisin in the shower, but normally he will only let me scratch his head. I can lift his wings, rub his belly, anything at all, while I hold a shower nozzle on him.


It might be worth a try?



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Thank you Siobhan. As we are slowly getting her used to skritching, we are slowly getting her used to showers. When she came to us she never had had showers or any opportunity really to bathe at all (she was 13 years old). :( She now will tolerate the showers while sitting on the shower perch, but as soon as we get close enough that she can step/jump onto our hand or arm, she's off to the races and up to our shoulders (which we generally don't allow) to get out of the shower.


This morning she actually opened her wings a tiny bit in there while we had the handheld shower facing up with a gentle spray...usually she just holds tight and doesn't want anything to do with water under her wings if she can help it.


Progress is progress though, right? She's been in our home for a year and a half and has made huge progress in showering, diet, etc. I'm actually fine with just the head skritching or whatever she wants from a touching standpoint. She's such a joy in so many ways.

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