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can"t feel my finger


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ok, so you will have to excuse my grammer here! I am typing with one hand. greyce has taken over the other, she is now obsessed with mail:laugh: the only problen is, when she perches in one foot to hold the plain envelope, she graps so tight I can't feel my finger:P no matter, I am enjoying the simple fact I can hold her now:silly:

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Thank you Muse! I never dreamed we would get one this fast that's for sure! But we just fell in love with him! There's no doubt I will continue to work with SweetHeart. I know she will never be that cuddly bird lol. But still love her to death! Hubby wanted this bird, but I'll be the one home with him all the time hehehe.


Hope your finger is feeling better! But sure just the joy of holding Greyce killed the pain just a bit lol. I know how that can be!

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