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maybe merlin is starting to like me


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so when merlin came to the monkey house, he seemed very shy in sharing my office with me. for that reason i placed my desk so my back was to him and placed a full length mirror so i could watch him that way. that worked great for the time but this past week or so he would not play or talk when i was in the room and upon reflection i think it is becuse my back is consistently to him and he now thinks he is being punished.


we "had words" the other day and i turned my back on him until he made the first move to reconcile ('oodle').


so until i figured out how to re-wire this environment to keep it functional (still not there yet with the printers) i took care to always turn around and respond when merlin called out ('oodle' 'tweedle' 'oot'). i also was careful to make my phone calls (mentioned in a different thread) whilst facing him.


well in the meantime, he has engaged me in games of peek a boo! imagine that!


i now have my desk facing him and although we don't make eye contact all the time we are at least facing each other. he is giving one of his toys merry hell right in front of me. not talking as he does so, but i'll take it for now.


so maybe there is hope for us and i might get promoted away from Devil's Daughter.

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Oh I think he is liking you a lot more than you think, he is playing games with you and that is good to hear. I think turning the desk so you are facing him is best as they don't like to be ignored and turning your back on him is ignoring him in his eyes.


Things will only get better from now on I think, no more Devil's Daughter for you.:P

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That's awesome Sandra! Sounds like excellent progress. I know my birds get really ticked if I sit in the chair at the dining room table that has the back facing them. If I'm anywhere else at the table they are fine but they HATE it when I sit with my back to them.


I think if he's engaging you in games like that he is really starting to like and trust you!


Keep the good news coming!

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oh you guys the day that merlin revises the 'no touchy birdy' policy there will be photos! he does approach me somewhat now. and he is quite interested in what mamma is doing at that desk now that he can see me and hear me tapping away. i guess slow and steady will win this race.


yes i do work from home which is quite wonderful in its own way. not much money in it right now but to be home and with the creatures is pretty priceless. i only have to go out a few hours a day (if that) to attend my market day sales or other little obligations to my accounts.

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Thats what we preach here, time and patience wins every time, you are so right he is very interested in what you are doing and he will want to be in the middle of it soon I am sure then you will have the problem of trying to keep him from ripping off the keyboard keys:laugh:


I sit behind a computer at work all day and wish I could do mine at home but I can't so I do the next best thing, I take one of them to work with me from time to time, that works for me.:P


Thanks for updating us on the situation and I do look forward to seeing those photos:)

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