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Toy question and about poop


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How many is to many? or is there such thing.

All my birds have 2 to 4 toys and then I have a box of toys that I use to change them out every 2 weeks. Usually each bird has a favorite if not at least one toy I like best that they keep at all times.

I was just wondering if maybe the school of thought about not overwhelming your bird with toys has changed?<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/02/22 14:09

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Tari wrote:

I read somewhere that one lady had to call her house and tell her bird to go poop on the machine. lol



Now I see where this could be a real problem if the power was out or the phones didn't work, that poor bird.:blink:

Thankfully Josey will poop in her cage:P

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Elmo won't poop in his cage unless it is an emergencey. I work a full time job and a part time job and on the days I work both I come home for about 30 minutes to play with him because otherwise I would be gone from 6am to 9pm...but the first thing we do is go to the toilet when I get home. I have had a few days that I could not return home...the last time was when i had inventory and was gone from 6am to midnight. He let it out when he knew I wasn't coming home for his potty break.


The rule on toys I go by is as many as you can get in without over filling. There should still be space for all out wing flapping. I have 5 toys in Elmos cage and he is able to flap without coming close to hitting any of them...although most of his toys are hanging on the top and it's a pretty bid cage.

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Not only will Nikko not poop in her cage (she sometimes goes to bed as early as 7 PM and gets up at 8 AM), she won't even poop in the room her cage is in (our bedroom). If I'm the bedroom doing something, and Nikko is on her playtop, I have to take her to another room for poop breaks. She has no problem pooping all over the rest of the house though :S.

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Greyce has no poop issues, other than anywhere is fair fame...she is one poopy bird! She does only go in two spots in her cage though. Makes it nice to know where I can put her toy box in the bottom. I hope that once we get a good bond I can potty train her so I don't have to have a towel all over me when I hold her;)

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OMG girls! I at first didn't see anything about poop and couldn't figure out why it was in the title. Than I read down and now I know why.


Funny thing is the only reason I even looked is cause no matter how mad I get anyone can say "poop" and I bust out laughing. It's like the magic word lol. Hubby can make me mad and than he'll just say it and I can't help it, it's just the way it sounds. I have always been that way. LMAO ok sorry that had nothing to do with this post Tari soo sorry!


I can't stop laughing poop and poop stances Oh my ya'll are just too funny!{Feel-good-0002006E}

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Spooky, Niko sounds a lot like Talon. They both behave in the same manner. Sleeps 11-12 hours. Never has pooped in her sleep cage. Won't poop in her play cage. She has a morning potty basket she will poop in as long as I get her to it in time when she gets out of her sleeping cage. Other than that, she likes to hang out on the back of my kitchen chairs and poop off the back! :pinch:


BTW Cool signature line!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/02/23 17:43

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Dayo is a member of the "Poop everywhere" Club. I try to catch and move him when possible to train him to go over the trash can or play-stand, but most the time I'll say "Good Boy, You pooped" he looks down at the Poop, looks at me and seems to say, AND....SO? :P

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Talon wrote:

Spooky, Niko sounds a lot like Talon. They both behave in the same manner. Sleeps 11-12 hours. Never has pooped in her sleep cage. Won't poop in her play cage. She has a morning potty basket she will poop in as long as I get her to it in time when she gets out of her sleeping cage. Other than that, she likes to hang out on the back of my kitchen chairs and poop off the back! :pinch:


BTW Cool signature line!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/02/23 17:43


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I think Talon and Nikko are long lost sisters. They are so much alike :). Nikko has a thing for pooping off the back of kitchen chairs too. The only problem is when her butt is over the seat side :sick:.


My Xbox and I have become best friends, so I thought he better be in my sig. He writes a blog about me too :P. He really rails against me when I don't play, but we have a 20 day streak going, so he's quite pleased: http://www.360voice.com/tag/spookyhurst

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