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Missing my Juji


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So my husband has been traveling every week, Monday-Friday, and will continue to do so until mid April. This totally sucks on the marriage front and we have been missing each other terribly.


So this week he was traveling to Appleton, WI, just an hour from Green Bay (about a 4 hour drive for us). Sunday afternoon he looks at me and says, "Hey, since you don't have any work lined up this week, you wanna come with?"


He was expecting me to say no because of having to arrange sitters for all the critters so quickly, but we called a bunch of people and everything worked out.


Now, I was planning on eventually bringing Juji with me on one of these trips, but right now we can't afford a travel cage, so I called Kaleb's aunt, who loves birds, and she was delighted to birdy sit.


Man I miss my baby bird. I found myself missing her smell today. I really hope she isn't too traumatized when I get back.


Anywho, I will be home in 2 days, but for now I am enjoying the King suite and cruising the gigantic mall at my leisure (not buying anything, but still fun to look). I am going to go to the big petco later and window shop for my Juj. That will make me feel better. :)

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I'm sure Juji will be fine while you are gone and be glad to see you when you get back, Josey always is but then I take her with me sometimes like when I go see my son who lives 4+ hours away.


You really do need to get a travel cage and the one like what I got was less than $50.

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Juji will be dancing on her Cage top when you get home. :-) Be prepared to pay you undivided attention to her when you walk in. She will be just like a small child when you return home and they are waiting wide-eyed with a big smile of excite. :-)

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Well Juj was definitley excited to have me back last night. :) She didn't get mad, which I was glad of, and our sitter informed me that she was very lonesome the past few days. They really enjoyed having her, though.


Today we got back our regular routine, and she got to play with dad for a while. She loved that.

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