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Nail Biting


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Hello all! I recently adopted a 4 year old male CAG. He has been here about 2 weeks now and seems to be adjusting very well. He is talking and interacting with me and actually seems to like my company. He does bite his nails which has me wondering...Is this common in CAG's? or is he stressed? bored? I noticed he did this at his previous owners home also but I just figured he was nervous from the new people looking at him. Any insight is greatly appreciated.




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Hello Jennifer and welcome to the forum! I really don't know about the nail biting, mine is only 9 months old, and maybe someone who has a re homed bird or just an older bird could answer your question on that. Is he pulling them out or just trimming them? I know my dog trims his own nails lol. But honestly I don't know about the grey doing it. We have a 12 year old quaker and I have noticed her biting her nails before, it may just be something they do when they get a little too long and we don't do it for them, are his nails real long? Have you taken him for a vet check? I know your vet can trim his nails and show you how if he will let you in the future. You need to introduce yourself in the welcome room so we can know a bit more about you! But welcome and hope to hear more from you and also Congrats on your new addition!

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He has been checked by a certified avian vet and everything came back ok. I did not think to ask about his nail biting then. His nails are not long but that may be why they aren't. I'm thinking that this is just a habit he has developed from his previous owner who never let him out of his cage. I'm sure he was bored mindless and had to find something to do. Thanks for the reply and the welcome! :)

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My Elmo does that all the time. It's part of his preening rutine. He will bite his nails when he is nervous or stressed too though. When he's had a long day he will do it a little more than normal, or if there has been new people around he will do it more also. It's kinda like a nervous tick. I have read that parrots will pick at their feet as a stress reliever.


It's funny, sometimes he wants me to chew on his feet...I'll be sitting there and then all of a sudden I got a foot boping me in the mouth.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/20 18:55

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{Feel-good-0002006E} Berna that was good! But sounds like yours isn't the only one who does it Jen so I wouldn't worry too much unless he starts chewing them clean off. Like I said I notice my Quaker doing it when she is preening herself come to think of it, but haven't noticed my SweetHeart doing it yet, wish she would cause they hurt!

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Glad to hear its normal. Sometimes when you take in a rehomed bird you never know what kind of habits or issues they have. He lived with a man before so he has picked up some pretty disgusting "man" noises. He sounds like he is burping, farting and maybe the worse one is he makes a noise like he is hocking a lugy(sp?) and spitting it out. Pretty funny but gross at the same time :) He also sounds like he has been watching a lot of Sci-Fi movies! Lots of ray gun and space ship sounds! I have to laugh at him because he is so cute. He is very smart and has already learned a few new things just in the past couple of weeks. I'll get a few pictures of him posted for all to enjoy. Thanks!

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Thats so funny Jennifer, man noises:blink: :sick: you learn a lot about the person who had him before and some that you wished you didn't, but he will probably do those noises less and less now that he does not hear them anymore.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of him.:P

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:laugh: :P :pinch: It's so funny how Elmo thinks sense he enjoys "eating" his feet so much that I would want to do it too. The look he gives me is like "Man, you gotta get in on this!" Then it's parrot foot taist-testing time!



Funny story about the CEO of my appliance job. He brings his CAG Smokey into work with him pretty much every day and he sits nice and quiet in his office. Well, the way his office is set up there are 3 girls in the room that you have to walk through to get to his door and they can all see into his office if his door is open. Well one day everyone was working and you could hear a pin drop...then Smokey let out a big nasty fart noise. My boss jumps up and starts yelling "I DIDN'T TEACH HIM THAT!" Meanwhile all the girls are laughing their butts off!

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