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Beak Question


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We got our grey, Cookie, a few months ago. His attitude was much better during what we learned is called the "honeymoon" period than it is currently, but we are all learning. He's 8, so he has some baggage, but don't we all! :)


I love this little guy SOOO much!!! :)


My question is ...he rubs his beak on his perch a lot. Usually to clean it...but I noticed today that you can actually feel close to the tip part, where it's like he's almost rubbed a layer off. It's much thinner (and sharper!!) down near the bottom.


Is this what I've heard people saying they take their bird to the vet to get their beaks "done?" I'm assuming they drill it with a dremel or whatever, but I just wanted to see if this is normal behaviour.


Other than a little cage territory issue, Cookie really has no issues. He's not a plucker, he doesn't really bite (unless I push him too far) ... and I just want to make sure he's not got a beak issue!!!


Thanks, y'all!! :)



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I agree can you take a picture? I know my grey is thinner on the bottom part of the beak towards the end, and my 12 year old Quaker is pretty thin as well. If they have a cement perch that they can kind of grind their beak down on that will help some. But honestly we kind of need to see a pic to see how severe it is.

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The outer layer of the beak will flake off as the beak grows...befor Elmo's started to flake it did look like it was thin. A pic would be nice but it sounds like it's normal to me.


When beaks are trimed it's really just the edges that are done...to even them out...and the tip filed down a little so it isn't as sharp. I've never heard of an all out buff job on a beak before.

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