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Owned by Zephyr


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I aquired my very first African Grey (Congo) on my anniversary in September, 2007. I have had experience with only parakeets up until then. My husband bought me Zephyr as a gift as well as a way to cheer me up after my last parakeet, a grocery store recue effort, (there was no policy on returns for birds so the little fellow was going to sit in the back room until his end) succumbed to illness from his former surroundings. Zephyr is my little sweety, she distroys her many homemade toys and terrorizes my husband's boxers. Even though she is not yet a year old, she can do many whistle calls and is determined to master "Pretty bird". She does a whistle variation of "hello" as well. Other than that the dogs have taught her to growl like a dog from their many hours of wrestling near her cage. Her favorite toy is wooden blocks strung on everything from a shoelace to a natural leather thong. Her favorite food is grapes (trust a kid to go straight for the sweets) and she would eat me out of them if I let her.

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Hello Echolight and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Zephyr, what an unusual name but I like it.


I am sorry to hear of the loss of your parakeet but happy to hear you have acquired an african grey, there is quite a bit of difference in these two birds.


I would imagine she is mimicing lots of sounds and noises and dog growls are a favorite. She will master the pretty bird and a lot more than that before long.


Read thru the many threads here for lots of useful and helpful information and ask questions if you have any, we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


I would go easy on the grapes, they do contain a lot of sugar and not much nutrition to them, use them as a treat, reward or a bribe if necessary.


If you have any pictures of Zephyr you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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