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Speaking in nonsensical sentences


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My bird is 15. He speaks fine. He sings. He imitates noises. Lately he likes to pretend he can talk, I mean like people. He makes english phonetics and he has all the intonations like he is talking but he is not saying a single word. He laughs in between. I think he sees spirits. Of course it probably doesn't help that I talk to myself.:whistle:


You think greys be taught to speak in sentences?

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I think you answered your own question, you talk to yourself and that explains it. My Josey laughs too and she does a pretty good imitation of me laughing and that is hilarious to hear yourself laugh when your mouth is closed:blink: :huh: :P


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey.

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part of my job is to make reminder phone calls to my customers. that involves saying the same short script over 10-30+ times at a pop.


one day i overheard merlin chattering away nonsensically but using the same inflections as my little scripts. since my desk does not face him, he couldn't make out the words i was saying but he did hear the cadence of my voice which he began to imitate.


and if that weren't funny enough, when i lost my voice he imitated my whisper which threw a huge scare into me as i thought he was in some desperate fatal respiratory distress!


what a joy these little creatures are. what a depth they add to the simplest parts of a day.

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