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Any body looking for a baby TAG?


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I thought I would let all of you know, just cause I know they are harder to find that the breeder I am getting my baby cockatoo off of has a 3 week old baby TAG she is hand feeding as well. If your interested please e-mail me!


I went through another breeder with my TAG, but honestly as nice as she was, I just don't think she socialized our baby. This breeder sends updates constantly and is very eager to answer any and all questions!


So just wanted to let you know cause I know the TAG's are a bit harder to find.

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It's funny how fast TAGs go. We got a clutch of 4 TAGs at my work about 4 months ago and they all but one had deposits on them before they were weaned. The one had a high white cell count when we took him to the vet for a checkup and we had him in the back room away from the others on medication to clear up the infection and to make sure that was all he had.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes that was great Janice! I'm glad to hear the baby will finally have a little home! I was almost ready to call and tell you I want him lol! Maybe when you get your CAG's! And yes this is really a good place for a new person owning a Grey! I have learned soo much! If it wasn't for this place I may have given up on SweetHeart and she would have been just a pretty birdie in the corner that came out and played by herself. Now she is turning a corner and all because of people on here!

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Pretty soon I won't have to call it little NoName anymore! Should my Congos ever decide they like each other enough to have babies, Ronda, I'll be sure and put your name on one of them. Whose bird will IT be? :P Here is a picture of the "happy" couple. :kiss:



Duke and Dutchess

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AAhhh how cute! It would be mine!!! He would have 2 and I would than have 2 lol. Actually 3. Who the heck are we kidding! I will be here with Casper all day long!!! lol So we will see! But I want a CAG. Always have! But I had to get the family birds out of the way to make the family happy first lol. So than I can get my CAG when your's are ready!!

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Guest briansmum

oh i would LOVE a TAG.. i don't have enough room for one at the moment.. what with brian and his "i am king" attitude (he has more furniture than i do!!)


one day... one day :)


beautiful pictures here guys.. they are gorgeous birds

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