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hi all

my freddie is 14 months old now but dont seemed to want to talk yet she just makes allsorts of whistles and over noises have u any idea what i can do to get her to start talking i do play a cd with talking on it for her nearlly all day long but she dont seem to be bothered

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There is not much you can do to get them to talk, you just may have one that doesn't and there are a few that don't. Maybe yours is just taking her time, she could still talk yet. Instead of playing a talking cd to her, just talk to her yourself, I think they pick up words more from our conversations than from some cd.

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Liath didnt say a word till 13 months, and then she learned a new word or phrase every other day. Oisin is talking already (7 months) but he is learning from Liath not from us. 14 months isn't late at all for CAG but it probably feels like forever for you :(



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