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Jacked up feather


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Greetings everyone,


I don't know how best to ask this - maybe I should just take a picture and post it - but I'll try to explain it first: Bella has a tail feather that seems jacked up. It's twisted in an odd direction and won't align with the other feathers. I tried to get a better look at it, but she won't let me get a good look at it. I think she may have done something to her tail feather while she was horsing around with her toys on her play top and was climbing around all over. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with this feather now, and needs to be removed?





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How long has it been that way? Mine periodically get a feather that goes haywire and they usually fix it within 10-15 minutes (I don't know why they wait...I'm sure it's to get some sympathy from me in the form of "oh, poor baby. did you do something to your feathers?".

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Like Lisa and Judy said feathers can get ruffled from time to time...Elmo always takes forever to fix a feather. It could also be a damaged feather. Tail feathers can get "kinked/broken". Normally the feather will look bent and after a few days it will break off completly at the kink. Without a pic it's hard to tell which is going on with your grey's feather.

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hi every one...please help my Ash out of this problem.

My grey named Ash is 5 months old.every thing was going fine ,but since for the last 15 days or so Ash has been plucking his feathers very badly.He has plucked his grey feathers from one side very badly ,like they are looking very ugly,more over he has also plucked 60 percent of his red feathers as well and he has not give up yet and often he tries to pluck his feathers.

I am very worried ,please help me out.

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Has anything changed in his life in the last 2 weeks for something is causing him to pluck at such a young age? Has he been checked out by an avian vet? I would do that as soon as possible to rule out a physical problem.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about you and Ash.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

:laugh: Bella's a tomboy :)


:laugh: She is! But a gentle one - she sits on my shoulder and "attacks" my ear - must look fierce because everyone cringes, but she hardly touches my skin, and then she wrestles with my fingers and does the same thing - she hardly touches me with her beak. So, a sweet and gentle tomboy LOL!

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