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We're playing soccer!


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I came home the other day and my mother was sitting on the floor (hard wood) with my CAG she asked me to come and watch. She rolls a cat ball with a bell in it (that I bought for him) and Gizmo chases after it and hits it with his beak back at her. She did this for half and hour with him, he's gotten pretty good at it, good aim!

Just thought I would share that with others to try if you haven't already.

He really likes running full tilt around on the floor from room to room and since all he does is eat it is probably good for him lol! These birds are hilarious!!

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Nope, no training!

He honestly runs full tilt around the house so I bought him a cat ball with a bell in it to chase, if he would, I thought he may play fetch.

Instead at first he just watched the ball when I rolled it to him and would let it roll over his toes. I guess my mother decided to play with him and after a few minutes of rolling the ball at him he chased it and hit it back to her.

I'll have to try and get a video, I think it is so funny! He'll do this for a long time too!

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