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Question about egg sitting


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Hi everyone. This is a question for any breeders out there or anyone knowledgable about the formation of chicks inside the egg.

Over the weekend there was a slight ruckus in my birds' room and after about 15 minutes I checked on them and discovered that my breeding Timnehs that are sitting on eggs had been scared by something and the female was out of the nestbox and hanging on the side of the cage. I'm not sure what scared them, they are usually pretty mellow and it takes a lot to get their feathers ruffled so to speak. Anyway, the light in the room was off so I turned it back on to allow them time to settle down and figure out everything was okay and get back to the nest. I can see into the birds room from a peekhole in a door in another room so I monitored them from outside to see what happened. After a few minutes they went through the whole process of the male feeding the female and then she sat for a little while and preened before she was calm enough to go back to the nest. My question is this- can the female leave the eggs for a period of time (could have been close to an hour before she went back to them) and still have viable eggs? I know they require heat to develop but I'm just not sure if they can be left that long or not without detrimental effects. If they are going to hatch it should be in about 2 1/2 weeks. I know she can leave them for short periods of time but usually it's just for a few minutes. I'm just wondering if I should count on the fact that they probably won't hatch at this point or still be hopeful. I don't like to handle the eggs so I won't be candling them or checking them until the required amount of time is over and I'm sure they aren't hatching or we have chicks. Any input from anyone out there?


Thanks so much!

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Wow..I really hope that leaving for an hour won't be detrimental. I would think that it would happen quite often but I know nothing about breeding and eggs. I'm really interested to hear from others on this.


And I'll keep my fingers crossed in the meantime!

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