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Elmo Talked! Best story EVER!


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OK, the last week Elmo has been trying to talk. He sounds more like a Cockatoo or a Macaw talking so I have not counted it yet.


Well anyways, Friday night my b/f called me and Elmo was on my left shoulder and the phone was on my right ear. Right after I had said Hello and the usual whats up Elmo reached his head around and put his beak right up to the phone where you talk into and said clear as day said "Hello!" I was SHOCKED! Paul was like...what did you say...because I had already said hello...and I was all like IT WAS ELMO!!! IT WAS ELMO!!!! I can't believe that he would make sure that not only I heard it but Daddy had to hear it too. Plus, for how much he loves to talk on the phone I should have known his first word would be into the phone:laugh: .


Again the next day he talked very clearly. We were watching TV and he was in his usual TV watching spot at the end of the bed. Out of no where he turned around and started looking at me. After we staired at eachother for a moment he said "Elmo" and then just turned back to watch TV. I was laughing sooo hard!


One other thing that I thought was adorable is the other day I was trying to get him to say "Who's a good boy?" clearer and everytime I said "Who's a good boy" he would say "Elmo"...not a clear as I know he can be but a million points for knowing who the good boy is in the house!


So far he is "almosts" saying...

Hello (got it once)

Elmo (got it once)

What (got it once)

Come here

Step up, step up

What cha' doing

Who's a good boy

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Yay, Elmo can talk:laugh: and now he won't shutup, better be careful of what you wish for you just might get it!!!:P :silly: :laugh:


That is so great to hear and I know you are tickled pink, I would be too and now you really have to be careful of what you say!!!:whistle:

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Congratulations! How old is Elmo? Finnigan is 9 months this month and she has only said "Wheedle Whee". That is what I say to her when she does complicated whistles I can't mimick. She doesn't seem very interested in any other words yet...despite that my blue and gold says "hello" about 100 times a day. I figured for sure she would be all over that!:ohmy:

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Congratulations! How old is Elmo? Finnigan is 9 months this month and she has only said "Wheedle Whee". That is what I say to her when she does complicated whistles I can't mimick. She doesn't seem very interested in any other words yet...despite that my blue and gold says "hello" about 100 times a day. I figured for sure she would be all over that!:ohmy:

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Yeah, I already watch my mouth around him.:laugh: I started watching myself as soon as I got him...and he was like, 6 weeks old. He's 10 1/2 months right now, so he's right on time for talking.


He is SUCH a good bird. All day when I am gone he won't make a peep. I live with my dad and stepmom and she is always telling me how good he is because she would never guess there was a parrot in the house till I get home...and even then he never really gets loud (he can on occation though).

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That is so exciting, hearing their first(Clear) words!

Charlie's first word was ''hello''.... But he already knew it from his previose owners. But, when the phone rang, thats what he said! Is this a pattern?

Good luck on teaching him "What cha' doin?"

Char used to say that. I had to explain to him what i was doing every 5 minutes, then i'd get an "oh,ok" back.... This is the first of many, be prepared to explain yourself alot!

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That’s hilarious! One of the girls that I work with at the pet store has a grey that asks her what she is doing every time she goes in the bathroom. She says she says back to him “I’m not telling you because you’d tell everyone!”

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Hehehehe Aww, how sweet!


When my eclectus (who died a few days after Christmas) was learning to talk, his "hello" sounded more like "perot" and we were watching election returns at the time . . . I told him I did not agree with his choice but I supported his right to his own opinion! When I tried to teach him to say "I love you" (which he eventually said, of course) he would announce loudly "I LOVE!" I figured that was good enough ~grins~


Elmo sounds like a joy

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Congratulations on Elmo talking!!! He sounds very precocious and super smart. :laugh: Romo has been trying to talk for awhile - he may actually BE talking and we just can't figure out what he is saying! :unsure: He started mumbling about 2 months ago, and now his talking has cadence like speech, but just isn't clear enough to know what he's saying. Romo's about 8 months old, so it seems like he will be a talker.

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That's how most of Elmo's speech sounds. Real mumbly and raspy. If thats what your guy has been doing he is going to talk soon for sure.


There is a grey at my work...I've been calling him "Clydes", short for Clydesdale cause he is so big...that has started with the incoharent chatter that sounds like his own personal conversations. He's going to be a HUGE talker.

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