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New baby on the way


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Hi there


I need some advice.


A week ago, i found out that I am pregnant. As cheesy as this might sound, I think Gizmo (CAG) knew this even before I did. He has been so clingy these past two weeks. Normally when I let him out, he would go and exlore the house. Now he just wants to sit and cuddle with me. Knowing greys are not really the cuddly type, I knew this wasn't very normal. (i could be wrong) I'm not complaining though. I love his attention.


I'm just a bit concerned. Are there any preparation that I should do to help Gizmo cope once the new baby is there? Should I expect any behavoural changes? Am I just paranoid?



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Make sure you keep giving Gizmo the same amount of one on one time as you do now.

The biggest thing well be to teach the baby that your bird and his cage is hands off for a long time.

And most of all just cause you have a baby does not mean you have to give up the bird.

Hopefully someone with children well come along soon with better advice. This is the stuff I know from others experince and article I have read.

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Tari is right, give Gizmo the same attention you did before and I know that maybe more difficult with a new baby in the house but you made a committment to the bird and you need to fulfill that obligation.


That is amazing how Gizmo has reacted to your pregnancy but it does not surprise me, they do pick up on subtle changes in our moods and feelings.


Keep him in the same room as he has always been and include him in activities as usual but keep the distance between him and the baby.


BTW, congrats Hanna on your pregnancy, I assume this is your first one and I know you must be excited for your life is about to change forever but for the best. I hope all goes well and you have a healthy, happy baby.:)

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CONGRATULATIONS MUMMY!!!! I am so excited for you, its fun when people get new Grey babies on here, but this is the first human baby since I joined this forum!


Now to hell with Gizmo needing the same amount of attention after the baby is born... we do too! We want a daily update of how how cyber Godson/daughter is doing on a daily basis. How many kicks, wriggles etc before the birth and ALL the antics afterwards. Ok?;)


As for Gizmo, if you think you may need to spend less time with him afterwards, perhaps you should ease him into a routine now that you know you can maintain afterwards. That way he wont associate any changes with the new arrival.


Siobhan (cyber Godmother!)

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Siobhan is right on a couple of accounts...


1) We definitely want updates!


2) As difficult as it is to admit, it is only realistic to expect that you may have to adjust things with Gizmo a bit. I know you will try to minimize it as much as possible but new babies do take a ton of time and you will barely find time to take a shower yourself some days. If you can at least provide some 1-on-1 time every day though, he will likely do fine. That said, it makes sense to try to get Gizmo used to more "ambient" attention now (which may be difficult as he is clingier than ever now). If you do this now, he won't associate it with the new baby coming into the home as much. As long as Gizmo is still out of his cage as much, and is part of the family, he will adjust. You can continue to "contact call" with him. Heck, maybe he'll even pick up some baby lullabies! (How cute would that be?)


One of the things I would do when the time comes is have times when baby is sleeping in the car seat/bouncy chair/floor/whatever and you sitting nearby holding Gizmo and playing with him. I'm sure there will be times when Gizmo will be in/on his cage/playstand and you'll be holding the baby so if you do it the other way around he may not be as resentful (if he is at all).


Interesting dilemma. I'll be interested to hear from people who have gone through this before.


I may get blasted for suggesting that you can't keep up the pace you currently have with Gizmo, but it may in fact be a reality. You won't do yourself, your baby or Gizmo any good if you're too exhausted and frustrated by not being as "perfect" as you think you should be.


There will come a time when the baby sleeps throught the night and you get into a manageable daily routine that provides everyone a happy and healthy life.

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Congrats Hannah! This is a very exciting time for you all! My advice is to treat Gizmo just as you would another child. Keeping things as normal as possible for him, (that will be hard, but you can do it) as the others said, ease him now into any change in routine that you will expect. Also when the baby is not in your arms, spend time with Gizmo so he won't get jealous. I would advice putting him in another room or his cage when you are interacting with the baby if he tends to fly to you.

As Judy says, don't take your eyes off him for a second around your baby. You will find that you will be able to adjust your time and schedule for them both if you re commitited to do so, and I know you are. :)

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I agree Hannah congrats! We are trying for our 3rd child and I do think it's important you treat Gizmo just as you do now. If you don't think you can give his as much attention as you do now I would slowly wean him off of that. Meaning if you carry him around all the time or play with him for hours at a time. If you go to having the baby and than not playing with Gizmo as much right away because of the baby he will most likely realize this and hate the baby for it. I know I have read stories on birds being too jealous because they weren't prepared for the less attention they would receive. I have heard of the diving at the baby. Not to scare you at all! But just so you are away at how important it is to go ahead and start NOW rather than once your little bundle of joy has arrived! That way it won't be stressful or as stressful for him and you! Good Luck! And Congrats again!!

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Hi Guys


Thanks so much for all your advice and good wishes.


Yes this will be my first pregnancy. Have been trying for almost 2 years. Just as I was about to give up, it happened! Funny enough, I fell pregnant a few weeks after I got Gizmo. My dad firmly believes Gizmo brought out my motherly instincts and made it happen.


I am really excited. I want to do everything right from the start.


Starting to experience all the hormone and physical changes. Not all is pleasant, but they say once you've passed the 3 month mark, things start to go more smoothly. I already started spending a little less time with Gizmo at night seeing that I literally fall asleep sitting about 2 hours before my normal bed time.


I hope Gizmo and junior will get to be friends some day, seeing that they will be growing up together.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Gizmo had something to do with it, he probably helped you take your mind of it and relax a little.... oooh I am so excited for you. On the pregnancy front... take all the sleep you can get and store it up for the following 21 years or so :) And sorry to hear its not all pleasant, I remember it well :sick: !


On the CAG front I am sure they will be friends eventually, but I don't need to remind you to be careful :unsure: .


Good luck and keep us posted!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys / Girls / Cyber godmothers


Just thought I'd give you bit of an update:


Gizmo is such a good boy, I really love him to bits. He is doing soooo good. He doesn't misbehave at all anymore these days. He even started eating his pellets, which I had a lot of difficuilty getting him interested in. All this after I have started giving a bit less attention, trying to get him used to it. Gizmo will be 3 months next week. I can't believe how time has "flown" (no pun intended).


Tomorrow I will officially be 6 weeks pregnant. I will probably have my first scan next week on the 6th and maybe if we're lucky hear a heart beat. I'm really excited.


I've been exhausted, dizzy, queezy, cranky all in one go! Suppose I'll get over it soon enough.

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Hanna wrote:

Hi Guys / Girls / Cyber godmothers


I've been exhausted, dizzy, queezy, cranky all in one go! Suppose I'll get over it soon enough.


Of course you will, I believe the exhaustion and crankiness ease soon after the kids leave home, around thier mid twenties or so. Seeing as I will reach that milestone a few years before you do, I will let you know.


The queeziness eases for a while at around 3 months, and resurfaces when the dirty nappies begin, and then eases again until they start going out at night with members of the opposite sex.


But don't worry, as your babies cyber godparents, we will be there to empathise with you from afar :)

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OK did some more asking around about this and here is one tip that made really good since to me.

Get you some baby pictures. Of yourself or your husband blown up would be best if you can't find any try baby magazines and use many different large pictures. During play time show your grey the baby pictures. Say baby. Sweet Baby. Don't let you grey bite the pictures.

Even better tip was to get a life size baby doll and treat it like the real thing around the grey. Carry it around. But still spend time with the grey so s/he learns baby is not a toy for him or a bad thing.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/03/06 13:17

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Tari, that does sound brilliant!


At least then Gizmo will get used to the idea of a baby before the baby is actually there.


Thanks for the input. I'm going for my first prenatal consultation this afternoon. Will keep you updated.

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