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Aloe GEL?


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Can anyone tell me if I can still use this? I bought Aloe Gel instead of the juice not knowing I was suppose to buy the juice lol. So being that it says made with 100% aloe, but seems to have other things in it, is it still ok to use on the birds? I mainly bought it for our quaker cause ever since we brought SweetHeart home and put her (Quaker Molly) in a new cage she has started picking her neck a little. I spray her down every day now or let her bath in a dish but wanted to just help her in any way that I could without doing more harm to her. We did put it on her twice already until I noticed it was suppose to be the juice. I hope I didn't do any harm!! Can I use this or should I just get rid of it and try to find the juice? Here is a pic of her just the other day, I tried to catch it in time, I just hope she quits cause I read they are kind of self mutilators once they start, so hoping she won't be like that!



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As with what everyone else has said...all the extras in it could be bad for them. I use the Juice for baths but when Elmo gets a booboo I break off a peace of Aloe from one of my plants and use the gel inside to rub on it. I tell everyone they should have one or two plants for this very reason. They are really easy to grow and if I can't kill them then no one can!:laugh: When you use the plant itself you know that there is nothing in it but Aloe...just don't use anything like pesticides or fertilizer on them.

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Most stores that sell plants sell Aloes, and they are normally under $3 if they are baby plants. And one thing that is cool is when they get kinda big their roots send out baby aloe plants. I have a bagillion Aloes that all came from 3 original plants.


FYI - They do great in pots too.

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Aha! I always wondered what BMustee's name was lol! Guess I should have just asked lol Being I am allergic to it anyway, I don't think I will get the plant, but for everyone else that is a wonderful idea! A whole lot cheaper in the long run and more natural. I will def have to look for the juice! The juice is good no? lol Just something my Italian grandfather always said lol. Sorry having a silly moment!

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