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Maui Fashion Show


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Hey all, Maui is still doing great. He is really fitting in as part of the family. We recently got him a Cozzzy-Cover for his cage. It really blocks out everything and fits like a glove to the cage. They didn't have my cage on the list, so, I sent the measurements to CozzzyBird and they made it custom for me. Also, we were out at the bird store yesterday and picked up a Flight Suit for Maui. He wasn't very happy about putting it on, but, he settled down after we bribed him with a treat. I was never able to get the Feather Tether on him, but, this was easier. I still plan to try the Aviator, but, for now, he looks cute in the Flight Suit. Here's a pic of him in it. flightsuit.JPG


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Maui looks so adorable in his flight suit, thanks for sharing that with us.


Glad to hear he is doing great, and why shouldn't he with all the love and attention you obviously lavish on him, he is one lucky grey. Thanks for the update, we like hearing about them and how they are doing.:P

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