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Read if your thinking of getting a parrot.


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I could not hear the sound on that page but I know from doing my own research I have heard the one on cockatoo's. By the way our little guy will be 1 month old tomorrow! Can't wait till he comes home!


But very good link Tari! I think it sooo important for people to research about their parrot before getting one! A few years ago I always wanted one and if I would have just bought it, I would have never known what I was getting myself into. And honestly even after owning one for 9 years than getting a larger one I still had a ton of questions. And they are work! It's not just bringing your baby home and cuddling for all of us. I have had SweetHeart for almost 4 months now and there have been more downs than up. But she is only 9 months old and I know with work she can live up to her name. But it's how much time and effort do you really want to put into it? I have read soooo many people on here about how they go and get their baby and even get re-homed birds and they are great! But like my little one, that's not always the case. So please be willing to put that time into one of these little guys/gals and than hope that you don't have to do too much to gain it's trust. It's an emotional roller coaster for some, so just be willing to put up with the worst before you expect the best!

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I wish everyone that wants to buy a bird would read that kind of thing. I read many webpages like that before I got a parrot and was ready for the noise, mess, pain, and so on.


I had a girl come into my work that was maybe 17 at the oldest and she wanted a Macaw...I took one look at her and knew she shouldn't get one. She still lived at home so who knows in a year or two where she would want to live at when she moved out...apartments are no place for a macaw. She said she had been "reading" up on them but I was kind of quizing her on what she knew about macaws and she bombed big time. I started to try and get her to think of something like a cockatiel or maybe even a conure for her first bird but she was just dead set on a macaw...so I took out Stumps, a 7 month old B&G that is a real sweetheart with people that know how to control large birds but takes advantage of anyone and everyone that doesn't. She enough as soon as I passed him to her he shot right up her arm to the back of her head and started pulling her hair...hard. I got him down and told her to keep him on her hand. She then went to pet him...like a dog...and he was not happy about that and started nipping and screaming at her. I know that sounds mean to do to someone but I knew that many people selling birds don't really care who they go to and would just sell her one as long as she had the green, so I wanted to show her what she would have to put up with. I don't know if it worked, but I'm sure she will have something to think about.

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LOL Bernadette (not Lisa lol) you go girl! Others probably with no doubt would have sold her that bird, and good for you, cause there are soo many re-homes for people just like her. Like I said, my husband and I would go all the time into the pet store right after we did our taxes cause that's when we finally had the $ for a Big Macaw like that! I am glad we didn't cause for one I never read up on them, we were young and dumb too lol. But 12 years later we finally got our TAG after doing about 2 years here and there of research and than about 2 months before I got her was on here with you guys asking all kinds of questions lol. So good thing you did that! I could have used that when I was younger, glad I never gave in though and got one back then!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/19 19:42

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Ok Turn up your speakers I'm gonna see if I can get this to post.


If it works this in my 1 month old Cockatoo we are getting! Casper. ok didn't work if someone can tell me how to post a little movie here I will, or maybe I'll try to figure out youtube lol. I'll be back!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/19 17:42

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That would be a fuuny contest. I think Elmo would loose big time though. It could just be me but he is like a church mouse...then again I listen to 13 macaws, 6 greys, 2 cockatoos, and more amazons and conures than you can shake a stick at all day when I'm at work so one little grey is nothing to me.:laugh: :silly: :pinch:



Hey Ronda...who is Lisa? LOL...my name is Bernadette.

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