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Holy cow batman! Beyond Milestones!1


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Wow! Sorry I haven't been on much, but we have been a busy little house. I've been spending a great deal of time with just focusing on the critter. Well, it is all paying off ladies and gentlemen!! Greyce has come off her cage on her own and been letting me handle her more. She is terrified of towels, blankets, ect...but I think we will get there. We have been working on step ups, ect over the past week or so


AND!!!! She let me get her off the cage today!! I am so excited - you have no idea!!!! :ohmy:


I went to the bird show today, got her lots of toys and a new table top perch (at a steal, 25 US!!) So after cleaning everything I decided to give it a go and got her to step up off her cage with a peanut bribe (found some awesome US organic, raw peanuts) and up she went and right on to the perch. By the end of the day/evening she was sitting happily on my friend's hand, (who is terrified of birds and held her first tonight) eating bell pepper...many milestones for everyone today. She didn't even want to go back in her cange tonight, she wanted to stay with me!!:) :)


I could split wide open with joy!!! She still won't let me touch her otherwise, but my goodness we have come such a long way!!


So to everyone out there that has a rescue and are so envious with the stories of everyone and their babies, you can get there!! Keep love in your heart, have no fear and a great deal of patience...it is slow moving...but it will come.



PS.... On biting, when she nips, if I gently push toward her she lets go and it has helped an amazing amount...her nips have become mere gently mouthings!!:)


I am so happy guys, I am full of smiles!!!

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I can see you are beaming with joy over your accomplishments and rightly so, you go girl, you have made great strides in a short time, patience does work wonders when it comes to greys.:P


Boy I tell you, you are briming with achievements today, you have been busy and those other obstacles will be history in time if things go like they have been for you and Greyce.B)


Time, patience and a lot of love work wonders, keep up the good work:) B) :P

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