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Sorry - testing a signature block


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Thank you both. They are all wonderful birds.


I didn't mean to solicit replies to the post. I also didn't realize that every message I ever posted would now have the new signature! Guess I didn't need a "test" post as I could see it and make adjustments pretty easily!


Thanks again.

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Thanks Heather!


They CAN talk and some do better than some AG's. My male, however, has never said a word. My female speaks periodically (in the most adorable little "southern belle" sounding voice).


I don't think they're as sensitive to change, etc. They are a tiny bit more active than my CAG but then my CAG never really had much in the way of toys, etc., before coming into our family so she's still learning how to play.


Our male Ekkie is a "teddy bird". Sweetest thing ever. Female is a little more assertive in her style, but not "aggressive" towards people.


Also, our Ekkie's have not had any inclination towards one particular family member over another. My boy loves everyone. My female like to hang with people for a short period of time but then wants to just sit aside on her playstand and watch everyone else.


My Ekkies both LOVE LOVE LOVE showers also, whereas my CAG just barely tolerates them. That also could be from her previous history. Neither of my ekkies received showers prior to coming to our home either but within a week just started to go nuts in there. They get soaked to the bone...really funny looking!


The Ekkies are much more willing to try new foods also. Don't have to ask twice. They will eat just about anything I put out for them (well, still working on more variety of vegetables).


Hope that helps a bit...if I didn't touch on something or you have any other questions, just let me know!<br><br>Post edited by: LisaM, at: 2008/02/17 06:38

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No problem Lisa! Looks great! You'll find out that you can do a bunch with your photo programs. But hey we learned (not a word lol) about your Eclectus's. And I should have mentioned that all your posts would have been updated when you did that to your sig lol. Sorry!

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Yeah Lisa, we will forgive you this time but don't let it happen again,:laugh: you should have known that it would show up in all your posts:laugh:LOL


Maybe I will get Ronda to help me with one someday since she helped you do yours, I am not as computer literate as I wish I was.


Thanks Lisa for a little background on the Ekkies, they look like wonderful birds and I love the fact that the sexes are different colors.:P

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Judy - trust me that if I can figure it out, anyone can! It was actually really easy to do it.


Rhonda - I actually didn't even get them into a photo program yet and put them together but I plan to. The computer I'm using right now doesn't have a photo program. I just put them into the photobucket to get the img code and then plugged them in separately into the signature block (which I did eventually find :blush: _


And yes, my posts tend to get a bit "wordy". I need to put "communicate clearly and concisely" on my personal development plan! :P


Thanks again all!

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LisaM wrote:

And yes, my posts tend to get a bit "wordy". I need to put "communicate clearly and concisely" on my personal development plan! :P


Wordy, I don't think so, I have no problem reading your posts but that sounds like something I could probably use too, I know my age and intellect show in my posts.

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