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Vile, nasty, disgusting, creep little....


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BUGS!!! I HATE them little @$#@!@#$!!!! With a passion.

Spiders, Cockroaches, Ants, Flies, Moths, Sow bugs and Centipieds. They can all die. I will smoosh them all... ICK!!


Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, let me explain. My fiance, my kitty, the ferrets, my cockiteil, my Meyers, and Charlie my TAG and I, all live in the basement of the house. And guess what we have??!! Monkeys? NO! BUGS.....They make my skin crawl.

Spiders,(These weird big white ones, and Daddy long legs.) And these Sow bugs. I have found one Centipeid since we lived here (About 6 month) and I'm glad of that! Oh, an not to mention the resident moths we have because of the bird seed. (They have 5 cockitiels upstairs, who are on seed.) The moths dont bug me, but the other bugs bug me!!!

Now, and othe these harmful to my parrots? I dont find them in the cages, nore is it an infestation. Just spiders in the bathroom, and these sow bugs on the carpet.(Oh my god, i found one on my arm today, i think i woke up the whole house screaming!!)

And does anyone know how to get rid of them? Gross..nasty, grahhghhhhh@!!!!!! ICK!!!!

Thank you!

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I'm getting the feeling that you don't particularly like bugs. :)


I don't think they are harmful...I mean as long as they are not getting bit or what not...the Congo is full of buggies...protein :)


People always ask me if I miss living in Florida. I tell them enthusiastically "NO! TOO MANY BUGS!" :)

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Oh man do I feel for you...I don't think I would be able to sleep at night!


I don't think they're likely harmful for your pets, but I can see why you would want to get rid of them or at least control them as much as possible.


Here's a site that lists some ideas for "natural" pest control:




It doesn't like all of the bugs you cohabitate with but it might give you some ideas at least.


Good luck!

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Daddy longlegs are cool but I don't know what kind the white ones are. Centipeids give people nasty bites so I would imagine they could do some massive damage to your animals...but one thing, are you sure it wasn't a millipeid? Those guys are OK...they don't bite.

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I would call a pest control place. We have one that I felt confident with, as they have parrots and understood all my concerns and were very careful about their work in the birds room. We live in Florida so pest control is a must, not an option. PS...I'll take bugs over that cold weather any day Hanna_Rae! :-)

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danmcq: Thats sooo grooosss.......!! My cat eats them.. :sick:


BMustee: It could have been a millipede. Whats the diffrence? And yea, the daddy long legs are cool, Ive found a few dead white spiders, and a ton of rolli-polli bugs around them. I kept him there for a few days, then I think the cat ate him...

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Here is a centipeide...there are different kinds but they all look very close to this one.





Here is millipede...they too can come in MANY sizes and the colors can very but they all look like they have a million legs.


millipede.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/18 17:45

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