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Hello Miss Marley and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Marley.


I assume you rehomed this grey if he is 10 years old and I commend you for doing that. He is quite the looker from your avatar and we would enjoy seeing more pictures of him if you would like to share some more with us.


What other kinds of birds do you have? It seems a lot of us have more than just one, I don't think it is possible to have just one, I also have a sun conure that was my first parrot. What other pets do you have, you mention other animals? I know I am asking a lot of questions but it helps to get to know you better.


Not that you need it but we do have a lot of threads here with lots of useful information, just read thru them at your leisure. You can ask us specific questions you may have, we do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


Feel free to post and join in the fun and conversations, we like helping people and who knows you might just have the answer someone else needs for a problem they are having.:)

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Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

Judygram, yes we adopted Marley in December of 2006. We are her fourth and final home. Her first home was with the breeder's sister. She and her family loved her very much, but her husband had allergies. So, they gave her to someone else, this man who was a cop. He yelled at her and beat her cage with his nightstick, for eating, throwing, talking...basically, for being a bird. They got her away from him and gave her to another person. Now, Marley knows "here kitty kitty kitty!". Well, one day she did so, and the woman's cat came and Marley bit him. So, the original family got her back again. And that's when she came to us. She is a great part of the family, and we would never rehome her.

Besides Marley, I have 12 budgies, 6 Parrotlets, 2 lovebirds, 5 finches, 5 doves, 3 canaries, 3 conures (Sun, Half-Moon, and GCC), and 2 cockatiels. We also have cats, dogs, lizards, hamsters, rabbits, degu, and fish. It's a miniature zoo! I'm home all day and have plenty of time to spend with everyone.


I will get some more pictures of her up soon.<br><br>Post edited by: MissMarley, at: 2008/02/17 04:29

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I am sorry that Marley has had several homes and one of them the owner yelled and beat her cage with his stick, how horrible for her but she has a good and final home now. Thats nice that she finally has a home where she is loved and has the attention she deserves.


Wow you really do have a small zoo going on there, and it keeps you busy I am sure. You must have a little of everything and lots of different birds, your house must be alive with the noise of all the animals enjoying themselves but it is a good kind of noise.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Marley and you can also post photos of your other birds in the other birds room, we have a place for everything here.:P

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MissMarley :laugh: welcome... I am laughing because Marley happens to be one of my favorite singers -Bob, that is B) Did the previous owner call him after Bob? :silly:


I am happy you joined us.

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Wow...what a sad story. I'm so happy that Marley found a new home with you!


I ran through the list of your non-human companions with my husband as he always claims we have a "zoo" of our own...your menagerie put that thought out of his head! I'm glad you are at home all day with them...I can't imagine how much time it takes to just keep them clean. I often don't feel like I can keep up with the ones I have! I'm sure you have it down to a system that runs like well-oiled machinery now though!


Can't wait to see the pics! As you can tell we are huge picture buffs here! We love everyone's birds everywhere!

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