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Thoughts on frozen veg???


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Whilst we all know that fresh is always best and I certainly always give fresh veg, but I saw a post asking about frozen. Peas, for instance. Sometimes I find it difficult to find nice fresh peas si I get the frozen kind because my family loves peas. Would it be ok to give Gus frozen peas (or any other frozen veg) or would one rather give an alternative - such as beans or broccoli?


Second Q (if I may) I've seen you guys talk about red palm oil. I've done some trawling but cant find much about it. Does someone have the link for me. What is it, why's it good for greys etc.???



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I feed Teluhla frozen peas and corn and she likes them a lot. I have read that they are almost as healthy as fresh if they are frozen during peak season. I buy mine at the whole foods store so that they are preservative free. I also read about palm oil, I think that it was on a site called http://www.avianweb.com/featherplucking.html

I haven't read to much about it so I can't really help but hopefully this article will

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I think they're fine, particularly since you're buying them with no preservatives. I was surprised to see how many frozen vegetables in the store had added salt! I felt really guilty after seeing that on the ones I had been using (and immediately switched, of course!).


I actually just finally went to the store and bought some of the Red Palm Oil. It's the same brand that a lot of folks here order online (Jungle Products). I found it at the Natural Foods store nearby. I put a tiny bit on the edge of each of my three parrots' food bowls (like I do with peanut butter periodically...I was hoping they would try it thinking it was peanut butter vs. just looking at it as something new). Well, all three of them did try it...and better yet all three went back for more nibbles.


I then put some in a bowl and microwaved it for about 10 seconds to soften it up (it is a thick paste in the jar), cut up a piece of toasted sprouted grains bread into tiny pieces, put a Tbsp of fat free plain organic yogurt and a 1/3 jar of organic sweet potato baby food. Mixed it all together (got the idea from another post on this site earlier today regarding Sally Blanchard's Glop recipe)...they all dug right in (they hardly EVER all like the same thing, particularly first time around).


Two of them are STILL eating it...the other ate about 1/2 and then started scooping out chunks and dropping them on the floor for the dog (very generous bird :-)).




It has many benefits for humans as well as our birds - even topical skin moisturizer! (Pretty expensive to use as "lotion" though!).


For birds it is a healthy fat that has helped with feather destructive behaviors, dry skin, etc. It has some Vit A and Vit E also I think, carotenes and anti-oxidents (i think carotenes are related or a type of the vitamins above?). It is also apparently widely consumed by African birds in the wild. Generally speaking I think people have been using about 1/2 tsp each day per Grey. I'm planning to re-read through the forum threads about it because I should know more than I do.

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i am a market day lady and i feed merlin our frozen vegetables which are just wonderful. i especially like to give him the gemelli pasta and vegetable blend which has brocolli and carrots.


for fruit i feed him the spectrum fruit singles or the spectrum fruit in the larger bag thawed and cut up. they are both no sugar added and all natural. he gives me the dirtiest look when i lick the spoon after giving him his portion.


of course when we are having fresh fruits and veg he gets a portion as well but just rinsing off the frozen veg wakes them up enough without cooking them since they are blanched as part of their original processing.

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Frozen vegetables/fruit are typically better than fresh. Frozen vegetables/fruit are flash frozen right after they are picked when they are at their peak freshness and ripeness. Freezing produce DOES NOT decrease the vitamin and mineral content.


Fresh items tend to go through multiply channels before it gets into our hands. It can go from the field, to a truck, to a warehouse, to a distributor and finally to the grocery store. This can take many weeks therefore degrading the produce. Many times our fresh produce comes from other countries increasing the travel time even more. They are handled numerous times by people, not to mention fondled many times by customers in the grocery store.


We feed Makena about 90% frozen/10% fresh. Our costco started carrying a huge line of organic frozen veggies which Mak loves! When we feed him fresh produce we try to buy it at farmers markets or find locally grown products at the grocery store. For example, Makena loves fresh papaya but won't eat frozen. Since he eats half a papaya everyday we make sure to find papayas that are locally grown instead of ones that are shipped from South America (which does happen). Less travel time, less handling, fresher product!


Also be careful when buying fresh produce out of season. That usually means it has been sitting in a warehouse for months at a temperature that suspends the ripening process. Ever buy a tomato, peach, or apple out of season that looks great? Then you cut or bite into it and it is mealy, flavorless or mushy? Many producers care more about getting us a great looking product than one that tastes great.


So there ya have it! Keep feeding that frozen stuff!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find that Fawkes likes frozen better than fresh with MOST things! I actually put several of the same things in her bowl at different times and she always ate the frozeen before the fresh...so I tend to buy HER more frozen..where my conures and others like fresh!

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Wow I never thought of the fresh fruit being that way Tin, thank goodness we are here in the country. I know our trees will be loved by our birds this year! I don't even really eat fruit lol. But we have blackberries, apples, pears, plums, peaches and Jessie puts in a big garden every year. So we are good on the fresh stuff lol. And we can everything, we don't freeze it. I never thought of the fact that they will benefit from our garden and stuff as well.

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The land we bought came with the orchard, but funny thing is we don't really eat much of it lol. At least this year they will get some use instead of all going to the birds (outside) or the deer!


And yes, his friend and him usually go in on a garden there is normally soo much that we give some away and still have to throw some out even after we have canned it lol. Wish some of you lived closer! I could keep you up on fresh fruits and veggies lol


Jessie enjoys working in it and does all the canning himself with his friend lol. That's fine with me! He wants to put a little garden here at the house though this year to piddle in. So I think we will be getting some dirt brought in instead of the red clay!


And yes Tin! I hope you get to put one in! I hate them lol, and don't eat anything out of them lmao, except for corn and potatoes lol But he loves to do it, keeps him busy lol

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We live in a duplex and we made a spot for our garden....more to piss off the downstairs neighbors than anything!!! LOL!! No but we love fressh veggies and fruit, and we eat everything that we get out of it!! What we cant finish the Fids get! I love it and it gives me and the dog an excuse to get outside!

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