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HI all,


Just a couple of quick questions that I really need help with....


My Nittles Bird of 5 months old is so sweet. I just love her so much:) I am just curious about feathers. Do baby birds have baby feathers that come out and new ones grow back in? Lately I have seen about 20 feathers or so a day in her cage and just wanted to know if that is normal or not? No bald spots or anything...She is very happy. Wags her tail, sings, sits by the window.... I just wanted to see what you all think.


She also seems to love Banana Peel, is that ok for her?


Another thing,(eek) we had a friend come over the other night and she growled really loud at him. What should we do when that happens, should we tell her it is ok? Should we have him/her step away from the cage? Any input would be helpful.


Last thing, promise, we are having a small gathering at our house with couples and some children, I do not feel comfortable leaving her out in the living room, (where she always is) with children around (you just never know) and I dont want people putting fingers in her cage or what have you. So we have a perch in my office where the perch looks out the window where the party will be also, is that ok? I want her to be a part of it, I just dont want her to be in prime position where someone could frighten her or feed her something that she does not need. Any advice please.


Am I being neurotic?


Thanks for any advice.


Mommy in the Keys,




PS. We usually do not have people over so this is a very occasional thing.


Thanks again!

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Neurotic, no, you are just being a concerned momma to a new grey in the household, you are allowed.:laugh:


She is probably starting thru a molt which is normal and she will lose feathers and new ones will grow in their place.


I am not sure about the banana peel, the banana is good for them in small amounts but maybe one of the other members can clarify the peel issue for us.


Some greys get used to the family members and do not like strangers or people who they seldom see, that is normal and do not worry about it, just don't let that person force themselves on her, a bite will be forthcoming.


She should be part of the party but where she is not where the small children can get to her, she could bite one of them very badly, she will want to be around her flock so she may very well want to be in the same room if possible.


We usually don't have many people coming into our house either but it really should be people coming in from time to time, they get better socialized that way.

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Judy is right on, as always. :-)


Dayo lost many "baby down" feathers a day as you seem to be indicating from about 5 months through 8 months. he did not however, lose any of the normal Gray Feathers and still hasn't at 10 months old. It seems they molt very slowly and in different sections at a time with the Tail feathers being the last to molt out.


I would let him see all the action. Just let your guests and their children know that the bird is not a toy. They should not approach Cage, poke fingers at him or any other child type of behaviour I'm certain your familiar with.


Those screams REALLY get your attention, don't they? B) :laugh:

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I can only comment on the banana peel from some reading I've been doing for my own diet. For people, who do not eat the peel, I've read that organic bananas are largely a waste of $ because the peel provides enough protection from pesticides & other 'undesirables' for the fruit inside. For a bird eating the peel as well I would either buy organic for her, or wash it very well. Like I said, this is from human based research. Anyone else have thoughts about this?

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The feathers are most likely part of the normal molting and/or preening process. Are they the very small, fluffy, down feathers? Small down feathers all over the place is typical of a normal preening Grey.

Banana Peel? I'd just give her the banana and not the peel. The general rule is that if you wouldn't eat it then you probably shouldn't give it to them.

"Growling" is a sign that they are afraid. Keep strangers a safe distance from her cage to keep her from getting stressed. Everyone wants to get as close as possible to get a better look but you'll be able to tell at what distance your Grey is comfortable at. With time, it will get more accustomed to the "strangers".

No you're not being neurotic :) All of your questions are very good and show that you are a thoughtful caregiver. I'm sure everything will be fine.

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THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR RESPONSES!!!!!!! So very helpful!!!! I am a little scared to leave her out with everyone but I will try it tomorrow and let you all know how it goes. I LOVE the comment "if we would not eat it then she shouldnt eat it." VERY INSIGHTFUL! The feathers are the soft fluffy white ones. I cant see where they are coming from but sometimes her chest feathers or wing feathers are disheveled so they may be coming from there.


I cant thank you all enough for all of your help. Last week I posted when she was biting us as she stepped up, someone mentioned distracting her, and now she so very politely steps up onto my hand or shoulder. I am very careful to watch her body language and now we kind of have this thing, where when she is ready to step up, she goes to her door and I come over and she steps up. So that is very nice. I hope that is ok too. It seems to work well:)


Also, Dan you mentioned taking her seed out at night so she would eat food in the morning when she is most hungry and that is working like a charm. THANK YOU... Now she doesnt go to her seed very often.


I cant thank you all enough!!!!!


Mommy in the Keys,



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Oh that's GreYt news Leigh!!


I am so happy it is all working out so well with the comments from everyone.


Yes, those White Down feathers seem to come from no where. They are pretty much hidden under the larger Gray Feathers on top. I swear, the numbers of feathers I see sometimes in the bottom of Dayos Cage makes me wonder why he is not Bald. :P

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Hi Leigh! This is Lisa (with the Dad in the Keys)...


I am thrilled that the suggestions from this board have been helpful to you. I can't begin to count what I have learned and continue to learn on here (even today I took a new recipe from what someone else fed their bird over the past couple of days!). This place is a huge "sanity check" for all of us.


Is it possible to get a playstand or perch that is high enough that it is not possible for the kids to get to her? Even if it's one of the two-sided rope perches that you could attach to the top of her cage (if she doesn't have a cage with a playtop already). I'm assuming the adults will be able to listen to the "rules", but it can be hard to keep an eye on the kids at all times.


I think it's good to have her out for awhile. If it seems she is getting stressed or it's too much for her, you could put her in the room where she can still see you but may not feel as threatened. It's amazing what they do get used to though. I would give her plenty of verbal attention and encouragement through the night, particularly when she's just sitting quietly and observing. That will be reinforcing to that behavior and let her know that things are still "okay".


You are a very caring birdie-mom and that will help gain her trust in all these new situations.


Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!



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