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Having problem's with my new grandchild!


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Hi,I'm Perry's Grandma. My son bought Perry a yr. ago, when Perry was 2 months old.Together my son and I spoon fed Perry. Perry became very close with my son and put's up with me.My problem? My son has started a new job and is gone most of the time. I am the one who takes care of Perry.. thus the name Perry's Grandma..Perry talks a lot, makes sounds, whistles tunes I sing but won't let me pick him up to give him attention. he has a large cage in my dinning area that has a top that opens.. he will come out and talk to me, make kissing noises, copy what I say but wont eat from my hand or eat from a dish he is familiar with.. He loves to interact with me, but keep the hands away.. My son travels 1 to 2 weeks and is home 5 days then leaves again. Taking Perry with Him is out of the question. I love Perry but don't know how to help him. My kids have had other birds/parrot and I've gotten along great with them to the point when they moved out with their birds still remember me when I visit.. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. Recently when he let me pick him up, he got on my shoulder and bit my ear and finger. I handle him daily. he has a night time cage and day time cage. He doesn't have a problem getting on my finger in the morning to go to his daytime cage, It's through out the day that I have the problem. When he does bite (everyday) I have to endure the biting to keep it from a habit. He does not do this to my son. I have a farm with lot's of animals so I understand this is a problem and needs to be fixed.. it isn't a fear factor, on my part.. If anyone has Ideas, please send them my way..

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Well Perry I can completely relate in all kinds of ways lol. We have a farm too, and a little problem SweetHeart! But all I can say is patience is the key! Perry lets you take him out of the cage to go to his day cage. That is a plus! He does like your attention just not in the handle me kind of way. That's like my sweetheart. I don't know how old Perry is now, but Sweetheart is 9 months old and we are still working with her every day and it's a chore and I see little things every day that pay off now FINALLY! But don't let Perry on your shoulder for the next bite could be worse! Does he have a fav food? Try feeding that to him and only letting him have it when he takes it from your hand. Does he have a favorite toy? That is what I found with sweetheart, she likes bells, I had this toy I never put in her cage yet and thought well while I'm trying to bribe her to sit here with me I'll let her play with it, turned out she loves it but I only let her play with it when she's next to me. Don't give up on Perry for I totally know how you feel. If you can give him even just a half hour every day of making him stay with you and taking food from your hand, chances are he'll come around. They are flock birds and want to be with others. And your doing good with when he bites, don't let it show, and I know how hard that can be, but I figured I've been kicked by a horse I can take a parrot bite lol.

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Thanks' Ronda, I've been kicked by horses but never the same horse twice..Sad to say it doesn't pertain to Perry.lol..

Perry is 1 yr this past Dec.. Tried the favorite food, he won't touch it..He squawks and attacks his favorite toy( bells are his also).

He is such a sweetheart.Finding the right button for Perry is harder then breaking a horse.. If he hears me in the house he calls me by making a pig noise or cat noise knowing I will respond by asking him the question, What does a ..... do?( their really smart are'nt they).I have thought about taking him in the evening to my son's room and try to reenact what my son doe's with him when he is home ( sounds weird huh!!!).Perry kisses my son coo's at him and whispers to him( probably about grandma.lol) My son could be gone a month and Perry and him pick up where they have left off..My son's dog's name is Bull and Perry call's him( imitating my son's voice) and Bull comes running..so cute!!

What do you think about me reenacting what my son does at night with him??

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Trying to emulate the atmosphere your son had the relationship with this Grey is a good idea. Then he would be in familiar surroundings that should bring back the secure feelings he had there. Anything and everything i worth a shot when trying to develop a relationship with your grey.

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Sorry Perry didn't even know you responded, wasn't ignoring you! I do think it's a good idea to do the things your son did with him. It's familiar and it will help the two of you bond. And trust me I know about it's harder with these Gray's than a horse lol. I'm still working with SweetHeart lol. It's been 4 months now. Baby steps is all I can say. Patience will pay off and you may only see little tiny bits of it here and there, but try your best to notice them cause you will get really aggravated and think there hasn't been any improvements if you don't. Even just you going near him and picking him up or having him talk back to you are all good things! I would just keep up the daily work with him. That is the most important thing! It has to be daily and seems like you are doing that so good for you!

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