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Roosting Perch?


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Just curious. Where does your grey sleep? I was thinking about this, since my girl is sleeping in her new big cage and seems so uncomfortable in her new big space at night. She's fine during the day. I know she prefers the secure feeling of her old 18x18 sleeping cage.


It's funny, when I first got the cage I was at a loss in terms of how to arrange the perches. I had to call the manufacturer to ask them how they arrange things in the interior. Since they are breeders, they told me that in addition to the perches, the bird has a short roosting perch up higher than the rest of the perches. I wonder if this may bring a sense of security.

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This is her second night in her cage and she is letting me know (both protesting vocally and by wing intention movements) that she doesn't like it! Spending the day in the cage apparently is fine for her and has been for the past two weeks. I would prefer her to go to sleep relaxed and settled as she usually does , but she is not having any of it. Taking to her softly, head scratching, etc. is not working. I'm wondering if I need to just wait it out, but I was also considering getting a short "roosting" perch to put up a bit higher might make it more acceptable for her. I guess it just takes time. Either that, or I will have to make her other tiny cage her "sleeping" cage if she doesn't adapt.

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I bought one of those triangle swings that lay flat with the little circle ring up top for them to play with, and hooked it to the top of her cage, it is higher than all her other perches and that is where she sits 99% of the time when she is actually in her cage. She is mostly just in there for at night, and first thing in the morning till I get all dogs and everything done, so I can be in the same room with her. But she loves that swing to perch on and fall asleep.

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My TAG sleeps on the highest perch in his cage too and it is a beachwalk perch (like concrete but wavy) so he can get a very secure grip on it while sleeping. When it is bedtime he is ready to go to it right away- no messing around! He does the whole spread wings reaching towards it with his head until I put him in there.

Sometimes I wish he had a sleeping cage in a quieter place in the house because on the weekends we sometimes stay up late watching tv and I know this disturbs him, but I guess they adapt to their situation.

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Dayo sleeps on his mid-level perch which spans the entire width of the Cage. It is a 1 1/2 inch diameter perch. The highest perch that also spans the entire width of the Cage is a natural manzanita branch that varies in diameter from 3/8 to 1 inch. He rarely uses it. I am starting to think he does no like the natural uneven diameter or the curving all natural branches have. I guess I have a weird Grey. :-)

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Maui sleeps on his boing which is in the back corner of the cage. He doesn't climb to the top of it though. He also doesn't seam to like the Manzanita perches. I think he thinks they are too slick. On his tabletop tree stand in my office, I took some pliers and roughed it up a little for him. The hard wood is nice, but, slick. My Parrotlet, Tiny sleeps in his tent.

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