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Hello everyone


I am a matter of weeks away from collecting my first African grey and i would like to get some views on wing clipping, I havent decided either way regarding this and would like some advice, Are there any advantages in having them clipped? and will it hurt "Dexter"? (is that a stupid question) anyway please contact me and let me know your views even if they are strong ones as this will help me decide.



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Butch welcome here :) There is a lively discussion about the pros and cons of wing clipping, and no definite answer. Some think it's good and some think it's not.

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Hi Butch:


How old is your bird and has he had wings clipped before? Clipping does not hurt them but there are varied opinions on whether or not to do it.

I personally do not clip my Timneh's wings but I also am very careful about watching where he is and what he is doing- and also am very careful about people coming in and out of the house. Consider your situation and what will work best for you.

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Hello Butch and welcome to the family, glad to hear you are acquiring your first grey and is this your first parrot?


Wing clipping is a touchy subject here with some members strongly in favor of or against it, but the final decision is yours to make and whatever works for you is the best choice. We do have some threads that deal with that very subject so read thru them before you make your decision. Clipping the wings when done properly does not hurt the bird.


I assume that Dexter is the name of this grey, how old is he and what are the circumstances that bring him to you, just curious to know.


Please read the many threads on various topics for lots of useful and helpful information on all aspects of greys. Ask questions if you have any and we will do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you do get Dexter and you take any pictures of him, if you would share them with us we would love to see him.:)

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Welcome Butch!!


In regards wing clipping, it is a topic of great debate. The ultimate choice is yours. Only you know the environment he will be calling home and if it is safe to have him flighted.


I assume you are picking your new baby up from a breeder and they will have thoughts on this topic also. The best advice I can give on this, is if the breeder or anyone else clips you Greys wings, make sure they clip BOTH, not just one. They must also insure that enough of the primary flight feathers are left so your Grey could glide gently to floor at a 45 degree angle and land properly, otherwise he could be severely harmed from a harder fall.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Butch: They have said it all above. for every person clipping, you'll find one who is not. My grey has always been clipped for 13 years and now I'm letting her grow out. Trouble is I have to teach her to land and fly. I'm progressing. Read all about it in the forum. There are several threads on the subject, and a very opinionated one at that. Feel free to ask away, but take which course is best for you and your bird.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hello Butch! And welcome! My quaker has been clipped for 9 years and my TAG has been clipped since we got her. It varies in everyone's life and I don't think it's a matter of how closely you keep an eye on them, I think it comes down to what is the safest for YOUR Bird and it has to be looked at in each individual case. Some people have a bunch of dogs, and windows like I do, therefore no matter how much I have an EYE on SweetHeart there is always that chance, and instead of punishing my dogs because we bought a bird or punishing the bird because we have dogs, I opted to have her wings trimmed because of the danger available to her and wanted her out along with my dogs every day. Everyone's decision will vary, it just depends on what your conditions are!


Welcome again though and there are no stupid questions!!!

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