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Hi everyone....Tomorrow I will be picking up my African Grey, He is five years old and speaks over 500 words & phrases, very tame with all and other animals.


I have read quite a lot about the african grey and would like to gather as much info as I possibly can in order for him to be settled in his new environment....Any advise would be greatly apprieciated

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Pegasus: Congratulations! This site is full of information for you so read through the threads. There are many on bringing a new bird home. Remember to be patient and take it very slowly acclimating your new friend to his new home. Go at your bird's pace so he keeps a secure feeling as he learns his new environment. Make sure his cage is in a social area of the house and upon arrival leave him in with the door shut so he can observe and acclimate. When it's time to come out open the door and let him come out if he wants. Keep kids and pets at a distance for a while and with door closed when he gets exposure. As he is 5 years old he has a routine which is now going to change so make sure he stays in a comfort zone.

Good luck and let's see some pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hi Pegasus:


My grey likes to look out the window, but be careful about drafts from it or also overheating. You could put it halfway in front and that way he can have some shade if needed or get out of drafts. See what he seems comfortable with.

Good luck with your new addition- what is his name?

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OK all.........Rocco has entered the building :)


He is eating a small piece of apple now...but sat on my shoulder had had a good head massage :laugh:


Two questions ;


1. When my wife talks to him he bows down (wings go a little extended and fluffs up a little bit).


2. Sometimes he gives a very soft sort of coeing sound

(any ideas?)


Pictures to follow:woohoo:

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Hi pegasus,welcome from Caroline and Charlie. I cant believe how tame your grey is! He must feel at ease with you. Did you sort out location of the cage? I have Charlies in a corner as well, with the walls to two sides of the cage. Is Rocco your only pet?

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I cant believe this :woohoo:


He has been lying on my chest getting his neck scratched......MIMICKED MY TELEPHONE RINGING....when I went to answer and found noone there,,HE CALLED ME A SXXXXXL (naughty dutch word !!!!):blink:


He has been eating quite a lot and preening himself.


The cage is not a great one and I will by a new one tomorrow for him.


Any ideas on my questions above ?

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Ha Ha!! Where has he learnt the naughty dutch words from? Will be quite interesting to see what else he comes out with:ohmy: Dont think you have any major probs at the moment.I cant believe how well he has settled in. The other guys will prob give you more advice, my cag is only 7 months old and is a proper mummys boy, he has never liked my husband(or anyone else) and growls whenever anyone with blonde hair comes in the house!:huh:

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Hello Pegasus and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Rocco.


To answer the question about cage location, its best to put it in the room where the family spends most of their time and one side of the cage should be against a wall for some sense of security.


He seems to be very tame and is accepting of your affections so soon after bringing him home, it seems as if your wife may become the favorite one.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Rocco you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Hi Pegasus:


That's so exciting that your Rocco is talking so well already!

About the spreading his wings towards your wife, this means he is really excited about her and wants to go to her- perhaps the person who raised him was a woman? Sounds like you are getting along well already- that's really wonderful. Enjoy the new relationship.

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